facebook is a social platform infact a very famaous social platform.
now days facebook is a popular social platform in the whole world.most ofthe peapole inthis world use facebook for theire entertainment and social work also
why should we use facebook?
its a very reknown platform in the whole world.if we use facebook we can chat,we can know the news of the current world and many things.and its also a earning platform.
CEO of facebook:
The name of the facebook CEO is MARK JUCKERBURG
How many people use facebook in 2019?
the number of facebook users in 2019 is 2.45 billion out of 7.7 billion people in the current world
thanks for reading my post.
you can also visit my facebook profile by the cliking link:https://www.facebook.com/ahasanhabib.efti.2001
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