Who is this jayden k. smith person?

in facebook •  7 years ago  (edited)


I swear if you been on facebook the last two days all you hear about is this jayden k. smith character and that if you accept his friend request he will hack into your acct and all your friends.

Love this hoax. Nothing but a hoax that has gone way too viral.

I must have received lots of messages from friends not to accept his friend request.

Many folks including myself have been having fun posting the comedy side to this hoax.

I wrote earlier that Jayden is the most interesting guy on the planet and deserves a dos equix.

But anyhow that what facebook is all about. Making things bigger than what they really appear.

By the way if Jayden k. Smith starts following you on steemit be sure to unfollow him immediately, otherwise he may hack into your acct and steal your upvotes from you.

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Haha. Got a msg from someone about this Jayden person yesterday. Funny how people will spread negative things without fact checking, but if it's something positive, they want concrete evidence. People are funny that way.

folks are definitely strange

lol I actually received this message from two friends on Facebook this past week. One was about this Jayden k. Smith and the other one was about someone else. I did consider that the real virus/hoax is probably not what the message was warning about but rather the message itself.

this hoax has been going on for years I read

hahahahahahaha u literally had me laughing with this! @allucky111

time to get a dos equix myself

Darn: I'd already added him!! 😉

he very popular these days

Lol indeed