Intrusive Facebook

in facebook •  7 years ago 

So I've learned that Facebook is tracking a lot of my personal life then led to believe. I was curious to see what information FB had on me so I downloaded my Data File they have created on my life and it is scary to know that they are piercing every aspect of my life. You too can download your personal data file from FB, just need to go into settings and click the link "Download a copy" of your Facebook data.

Did you know they can guesstimate the square footage of your home just by tracking your devices if you have the Facebook App on your Mobile Phone or Tablet? Scary right

While checking out my settings, down the left side column, I was curious about the Ads section so I decided to check it out also. Apparently Facebook thinks I have ad preferences. If it were up to me I would be ad free on FB not the hundreds of ad suggestions they think are my preferences.

Facebook is getting so intrusive in our personal lives, I would suggest that everyone goes through their settings at least once a month if not more. I've removed all of the "Your ad preferences" suggestions they seem to think I would appreciate seeing when I log in.

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