Facebook Former Employees tell all on targeting Conservatives and White Straight Males. Proof they rig to work for the left as stated by an employee! Content Manipulation!

in facebook •  5 years ago  (edited)

Former workers or contractors for facebook when asked,
Facebook favors the left?
Response. ..they Do 100%
They say they work with a lot of liberals and you would be targeted if you dare voiced another side.
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They say evidence of discrepancies and bias.

Cognizant is out of Arizona and is a contractor facebook gets some of their workers from.

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Just to clarify, it is the Left, progressives who continue to attempt employing Nazi tactics.
For instance, the silencing of Free Speech when it goes Against their narrative.

Just as Hitler had a Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels who stated,
"If you repeat a lie long enough, it becomes truth. If you repeat a lie many times, people are bound to start believing it."

How often is this tactic employed by progressives as they attempt with no sources and no evidence to shut down the side that brings truth With Vetted, verified sources? Why is that? What are they so desperate to hide?

They also employ the tactic of Hillary and Obama's hero, as he is a hero to most leftist should be leaders. ..Karl Marx.
"Whatever YOU are doing, Blame the Other side." How often do you see this? How often do you see the progressives downright Lie?

Why is that?

2 Thessalonians 2

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

John 8:43-44
43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Zachary McElroy, a Facebook insider exposed the pervasive, anti conservative bias inside facebook.
Facebook insider Zach McElroy: The platform's algorithms target conservatives

Stated in a post. ..

Facebook Insider Zach McElroy: I Will Testify Before Congress About the Facebook Bias I Witnessed Against Trump Supporters, Conservative Causes McElroy: “We are essentially in charge of what gets said and what gets stifled” McElroy: 75-to-80 percent of Posts Selected by Facebook’s Algorithm for Moderator Review Support President Donald Trump, Republicans and Conservative Causes Facebook Content Review Lead: “It’s a Very Progressive Company, Who’s Very Anti-MAGA” …
Post link here https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=256394867866292&story_fbid=1503245816514518

Zach McElroy exposed FB moderator for saying she will report anyone with a MAGA hat she will delete them for terrorism. He has taken a stand and it is costing him.

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Another Facebook insider, Ryan Hartwig from Phoenix, AZ comes forward, who states, "the anti conservative bias is pervasive. Why do you think that is?
Hartwig is a former subcontractor for Facebook from Cognizant as a Content Moderator.

He felt people deserved to know what was really going on.

Hartwig said, "Seeing such blatant bias from Facebook really bothered him."

He also felt their was an institutional bias felt at Facebook that was aggressive.

He said, "when he started in March of 2018, he saw more blatant posts against Trump."

He saw an alarming number of posts that really focused on conservatives. Kind of a double standard.

Hartwig said there are around 6 people who decide the policy for All of Facebook, and they all think the same, they're very like minded.

What happened to diversity? Oh, I see only on topics They the Gatekeepers deem are worthy of diversity! Not Thought, not independent thinking, ideas or speech!

He said if you live in San Francisco, you're not going to find a population that is as diverse in their political viewpoints.

Which is interesting, because it IS Progressives and their should be leaders who Claim, they are All About diversity, but time after time we see through their actions and hive speak. ..that is Not the case! Not diverse at all, but rather militant in attempting to force their own thoughts and ideas on everyone else by silencing, belittling and degrading those who think differently than they do.

When asked How they rig the game, Jose Moreno states this,

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When asked if they allow political ads still, the response was Yes. Then asked, "so they can get more exposure to Left vs. the Right?" They said Yes, 100% and they stated that Facebook Hates Trump 100%.

This means those of us who have Freedom of thought are name called, belittled and harassed with a free pass as we have been now for years!

Notice how angry they get if a certain side wants our rights and the president we elected protected.

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Don't forget, it's only okay for progressives to riot, kill cause violence and pretend through the mouthpiece of their corporate owned media that they are "Peaceful Protests" as they viciously burn and destroy cities, people and their way of life. Do you think this is right? Who will Stand? Who will continue to Stand and face up to their hate and destruction?

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I find it interesting that we are told not to judge all progressives by what some of them do, yet they try to claim all Trump supporters are the same. The hypocrisy is always off the charts for these progressives who act as if they are entitled, can operate above all of us and the very law of the land. As we were told at the beginning. . .they are willing to do whatever it takes to get their way. It is like watching out of control toddlers, who have no sense of self awareness, are egocentric and refuse to see reason and common sense. Is it because they are incapable, brainwashed, rebellious or all of the above? You decide!

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These people do Not educate themselves. There is evidence that what Trump has stated about the Impeachment attempt was a scam and was done through deceptive practices with no basis whatsoever for such an attempt!




Hartwig was not surprised when Content Moderators at Facebook that he worked with, grouped Trump Supporters with terrorists.

Steve Grimmet, Team Lead for Content Review
One workers states, Sometimes they're redder than others! Who put these arrogant people in charge of other's thoughts and free speech? Who is checking for Their Red Flags from their concerning speech, belittling and degrading?

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So once again, even though it is the Progressives attempting to control Our Health and force their Ways and ideas upon us, attempting to Not let us Choose how we want to decide for our own immune system how we will handle a situation. ..this was put out that Matches the Leftist tactics we have all been seeing!

In the Name of Public Health — Nazi Racial Hygiene
Basically the Same people calling the other side that tries to show the truth. ..who they Call Nazi's, it was the Nazi's doing Exactly what they are doing today. ..and the Dem leaders historically that were connected to the idea of sterilization for certain people of ethnicity And all about Eugenics! Go Look at the vetted and verified history which the Democrats desperately try to keep hidden. Who are the True Racists?

I realize these people have been brainwashed and don't know their history, but is that an excuse to keep Refusing to look at the other side and facts they can verify themselves? Or is their a spirit of rebellion at play? You decide.

For instance, this is what Democrats are doing now, look at how this document starts out,

In democratic societies, the needs of public health
sometimes require citizens to make sacrifices for
the greater good, but in Nazi Germany, national or
public health — Volksgesundheit — took complete
precedence over individual health care. Physicians
and medically trained academics, many of whom
were proponents of “racial hygiene,” or eugenics,
legitimized and helped to implement Nazi policies aiming to “cleanse” German society of people
viewed as biologic threats to the nation’s health.
Racial-hygiene measures began with the mass sterilization of the “genetically diseased” and ended
with the near-annihilation of European Jewry.
The concept of racial hygiene had deep roots in
Germany. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries,
growing numbers of medical and public health professionals decried Germany’s declining birth rate
and the perceived biologic “degeneration” of the
nation and proposed reforms to improve the quantity and quality of the population. Rapid industrialization and urbanization had created overcrowded
cities, with attendant conditions of extensive poverty and crime; the spread of tuberculosis, syphilis,
gonorrhea, and other contagious diseases; and
expanding numbers of persons identified by psychiatrists as mentally ill or retarded, who required
special care. These changes coincided with a blossoming of medical research and the establishment
of dozens of new institutes and laboratories. Breakthroughs in bacteriology and the emerging field of
genetics — the publication of August Weismann’s
theory of immutable germ-plasm in the 1890s and
the “rediscovery” of Gregor Mendel’s laws of heredity in 1900 — seemed to promise biologic or
medical solutions to Germany’s problems. Physicians and medical researchers began to view themselves as the guides to a healthy, moral, industrious
The loss of nearly 2 million German men in
World War I exacerbated fears about population
and spurred new interest in genetics and eugenics
as the path to salvation

Enter. . . Fort Detrick and what is was really set up to do after the war,
Facebook Frames on the Truth about the National Cancer Institute and the deep history of it's location at Fort Detrick (bioweapons Deep Dive) close to D.C. Hear this Med Researcher with a PhD tell the truth about Dr. Fauci, whom she has known and had worked with since the 1980's.

Now take a look at this document and ask yourself Who these rogue intelligence agencies True Enemies are? Foreign countries or #WeThePeople who catch on to their predatory practices?


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The Great Awakening! It's Going to be Biblical!
Flip through the Frame Photos to see more source links and connections. Godspeed! Stay Safe and Vigilant! https://www.facebook.com/melissa.mcgarity.14/posts/10220557915672384

Facebook Frames Latest Q drops! Some research on RFID, Satellites and The Corona program. . . a series of American strategic reconnaissance satellites produced and operated by the Central Intelligence Agency Directorate of Science & Technology with substantial assistance from the U.S. Air Force.
RFID chipping, how have they conditioned the population? #SocialDistancing. . .Notice the military needs 5 feet for their line of protection for RFID when tracking soldiers.

Right where Hartwig is asked about combining groups based on assumption and not fact

He says this is how the mods are Conditioned to think, that it could possibly be on the hate list and in their eyes since they are wrongfully associating Hitler and Nazi's with the right, instead of realizing it is the Progressives then and now employing their socialistic, communistic controlling tactics. ..they just lump all on the right into these groups from the conditioning of their overlords and gatekeepers of information.

So the policy is called Dangerous Individuals and Organizations.

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Which means on that Same list, there are also terrorists.

Hartwig mentions Brower was a Sanders supporter.

James O'Keefe asks what the politics of those is like who remove information.

Hartwig remembers one individual names Kassi Cimo, who sat behind him and they had a few conversations about politics.

This was during the time when a bounty was placed on Trump's head from Iran so they offered $80 million to anyone who could kill Trump, because the nefarious are so desperate to keep him from exposing their corruption. Kassi was talking about how she would accept that bounty and that it would be worth it.

O'Keefe asked if she was a Content Moderator and Hartwig verified.

Clearly, those who have known for years aren't being told anything you don't already know from the treatment, experience and obvious hate levied at you when you attempt to tell truth, not just from hearsay, but from verified source links! Only the leftist content is allowed to stay and Their's Does Not have to be verified!

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Interesting isn't it? Because Not One Word stated about All the money Obama gave to Iran who chanted "Death to America!"


Really? Just words, but offering a bounty for our duly elected President as (Black Conservative Patriot) calls him.



Outrage Over Iran Releasing Images of Captured U.S. Sailors on Their Knees

These militant, hateful Facebook Moderators didn't say One Word about this!

Who is leading these conditioned moderators to believe this? Who is selfish enough to try to benefit from brainwashing them, allowing and even encouraging this behavior? You know who!

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Hartwig said there was also an alarming anti white bias that was being applied to Facebook's Content Moderating Policy.

Hartwig said that every summer there's Pride month and this first came to his attention in 2018. He said he had been there for about 4 months.

He said Shawn Browder came around, who is the Policy and Training Manager for Cognizant, so has some autonomy.
He came and gave a policy by saying it was going to be Pride month. Shawn was speaking to a group of mainly Hispanics as Hartwig was on the Hispanic time for about a year or year and a half.

Browder basically said they were making changes to their policy to basically Favor the LGBTQ community.

Made it okay in the policy example to call straight, white males filth for not fighting more on behalf of the LGBTQ community!

See how that works? No matter what people Do, it's Not enough unless completely heel to the commands of progressives. There is No in between, no room for disagreeing with what They Deem needs to happen. They want total and complete control. Only their ways. They don't see anyone else's viewpoint. ..all or Nothing with them!

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Hartwig points out how it allows attacks on one group of people. ..straight, white males for not supporting the LGBTQ community Enough. That is Very Specific is it not?

Notice how Hate Speech IS allowed (only for progressives though of course) only if it's intended to raise awareness for the LGBTQ community!

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Trust me, it's allowed for All progressive causes because I have personally experienced it Numerous times. I don't go and engage with these hater mods and their army. ..they send them to me and they all use the Same tactics! There are Never Any Consequences whatsoever for their hateful, spiteful behavior.

Mark Zuckerberg just lied again about this yesterday. He claimed Hate Speech isn't allowed, but all on the side of Good who have been censored for just showing truth or even what these Haters do, are the ones censored and not the ones spewing forth their hate!

Evidence here,
Facebook's Antitrust hearing! Who will Censor the Giants for not telling truth? Dishonesty Proof!

He verified hate speech is not tolerated in some cases, but is passed through on others.

Last year Project Veritas spoke with Leslie Brown, a former contractor for Google, who now works as an HR Executive for Facebook.

She laughed about the anti white male bias that exists within Facebook.

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Hartwig said, when he started he felt that something was off. O'Keefe asked him if he felt he was being targeted for his politics and he said Yes!

He said that Facebook's anti-conservative anti white bias made him a target!

O'Keefe asked if he knew co-workers were calling him names and that he was not completely alone because there were other workers who were conservative who felt out of place.

He did know about two people he sat with, Jose Moreno and Tyrell Lease. Both very conservative and they are both military veterans. They noticed the content they were moderating targeted conservatives.

He said there was a lot of bias, where there was a lot of group think effect happening where you had a lot of liberal people acting a certain way and there also some people who were following the rules.

The conservatives left there said they work with a lot of liberals, about 3/4 of the people working there are liberals even though that is not reflective of the general population.

Evidence from Matt Gaetz that the culture they lead within Facebook disadvantages conservatives and leads to content manipulation!

Zuck Claims he is Somewhat familiar with the "concerns they have raised!" Interesting. ..as they would Never put up with this if they tables were turned. We see what leftists try to destroy when they don't get their way!

He claims they aim to be a platform for all ideas, yet I and others have a large body of evidence we have documented of removed posts just because it did not support their pushed narrative! He claims they look into these concerns, yet the last two times I have attempted to state the unfairness in their survey they likely just trash. ..they said they weren't able to take my concerns, after inviting me to click on a link to voice them. These people are diabolical and they know it! They also know they have been allowed to operate Unchecked, unhinged and unaccountable for Years!

Zuck wasn't able to provide evidence of an investigation to root out the bias shown after Project Veritas released their footage showing proof. Instead Mark said he would have to get back to Gaetz with that, so i.e., let me check with my Loop hole finders, otherwise known as progressive lawyers working in the best interests of the cabal. ..then I'll let you know how we can skirt responsibility Once Again!

Gaetz states it right out. . .how he is considered the company Doesn't fairly give everyone a voice and they suppress certain content. He said it seems disingenuous to suggest that these videos come out that are very damning that show the people that You trust with content moderation admitting on video that they disadvantage conservatives. That they label the people who support the President as a way to push down their content and to limit the reach of that content for you to then come to us many months later when that was all over the news and internet and you to say, 'oh well, you'll get back to us and you'll do a little training!'

It seems to suggest that you don't take these allegations and this evidence seriously. To ask this question perhaps in a very different way, would you revise your prior comment to Energy and Commerce, you said. . .

  • 'This does not happen
  • it cannot happen
    Would you at least be willing to acknowledge based upon your irrefutable evidence before us that you don't seem to have investigated that it IS possible that at Facebook, your employees do have the power to disadvantage conservative viewpoints and that they in fact have used that power in ways that we need to root out?"

Gaetz also asks a Very straight forward question based upon the passing over of an employee based on what other workers felt strongly was clear bias. ..yet Zuck feigns to not understand.

Gaetz asks right out. ..why did you fire Palmer Luckey (Oculus Rift, former facebook exec.)

According to the Wall Street Journal,

he donated $10,000 to an anti-Hillary Clinton group.

His donation sparked a backlash from his colleagues. Six months later, he was out. Neither Facebook nor Mr. Luckey has ever said why he left the social-media giant. When testifying before Congress about data privacy earlier this year, Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg denied the departure had anything to do...


Mark stutters his way through a distraction.
Gaetz reminds him Palmer's NDA with them (Facebook) doesn't allow him to talk with anyone but a government official and as Gaetz is a gov. official, he has seen the messages where he has specifically directly Luckey to make statements in regards to his politics for the benefit of Mark's company so Gaetz feels that in light of both the case of the moderators and the testimony Mark gave regarding Luckey, there are serious questions as to whether Mark is giving truthful testimony or not!

Trust me, his users who have dealt with his discrimination for Years could have told you that! We all see it first hand on a daily basis!

Didn't look like Mark liked being told in so many words. ..he was lying and Gaetz Knew it!

Don't miss this must see video here,
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg RESPONDS to Rep. Matt Gaetz over Project Veritas #ExposeFacebook Report

Hartwig said it went beyond name calling. ..facebook's conservative bias, he was called in for corrective action from his HR department from what Hartwig says was a benign action.

Hartwig posted an LA Times article to an internal message board. He said it happened during a time they were having conversations about Islam and different religions.

The article was titled,
Anti-Islam protesters stage demonstration at Phoenix mosque
and was from 2015


In January of that year that was an attack in France and the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists were murdered. And the two individuals had attended a mosque in Phoenix so Hartwig learned about the event and it was labeled a Freedom of Speech rally.

The Facebook HR department told Hartwig that he violated the "Acceptable Use Policy and violated their rules of using it for personal use. Hartwig said, the document they sent him didn't state this. They claimed he was advocating violence.

I can attest personally This is what Facebook does to it's users as they recently lied and stated I took down my own post. ..when they clearly did And they claimed the information could cause physical harm and they stated Covid-19 when I wasn't talking about Covid-19, was not giving any medical advice, but instead was talking about DARPA's hydrogel which is already verified and I gave both government and military sources.

We all know FB doesn't care, they simply want to quash All truth and Only send out the message they want the people to get. The won't allow Anyone to Test their Narrative!

So they claimed that even though it was a mainstream media article he could not share it as it was discriminatory. He went back a second time to HR and they back pedaled.

In the initial action they claimed Hartwig

  • violated the AUP
  • they said he was advocating violence
  • the article he was sharing was discriminatory in nature

The second time they tried to claim. ..even though they Already stated it. . ."it wasn't discriminatory, no, no. ..it was that you used a client device for personal use!

So then they tried to claim though they spoke differently Before. ..it wasn't what you shared, it was the fact you used it for personal use.

So they back pedaled to cover themselves on the fact they were repressing him from exercising his First Amendment.

Hartwig felt he was being targeted for being a conservative and passed over for jobs and discriminated against for being a white male.

He applied for the Policy Team twice as he was very fluent in Spanish. He said the policy they have about straight white males being filth breeds that culture. He feels due to this he was limited in his advancement.

His co-workers claimed he was targeted and not given positions he should have received.

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There were others who were targeted.

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As per usual, it's only okay for Liberals to bond over Their support of someone like Hillary or Biden, but not Trump because they have Zero tolerance for anyone they can't force to believe and say what they do.

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Because Facebook promotes the Left, this employee states this about those who are Conservative
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He said they delete on average 300 posts a day, so if you modify that by how many content moderators there are on a global scale. .. that's a lot of stuff that's getting taken down.

He said when he knew about how they were giving exceptions for the policy, he knew it was likely that was happening elsewhere.

At the end of February Facebook ended their contract with their employer, Cognizant, but the bias they exposed has Not been Addressed by Facebook!

Is anyone on the side of Good surprised?

See the whole interview here,
Another Facebook Insider Details Political Censorship; Current HR Exec 'No One Has White Man’s Back'

Isaiah 55:9-11

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:

11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Sources and connecting articles










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