Some interesting info concerning Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan among other women working at facebook with Mark's face on their t-shirts for his B-day party

in facebook •  5 years ago  (edited)

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Some believe he ties into the Rothschild family. It is an interesting dive down the Rabbit Hole for sure!

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According to the Daily Mail,

It is supposed to be one of the most dynamic companies the world has ever seen.

But until recently Facebook was deeply sexist and stuck in a 1950s mentality that was a cross between a frat house and Mad Men, a new book by a former senior staff member claims.

Female workers at the social network were propositioned for threesomes or given crude insults like ‘I want to put my teeth in your ass’, Katherine Losse claims.

Lower ranking employees who were invariably female were treated like 'second class help' and banned from a conference unless they worked as coat checkers whilst there.

Meanwhile in between toga parties and late night ‘hackathons’ male engineers raced skateboards around desks as if they were in the X Games.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is compared to Napoleon and branded a ‘little emperor’ who created a company where his staff could ‘idol worship’ him.

On his 22nd birthday female workers were even asked to wear a T-shirt with his face on it in his honour.

The claims are in ‘The Boy Kings: A Journey into the Heart of the Social Network’ by Losse who worked for Facebook between 2005 and 2010.

She was employee no.51 and worked her way up from customer relations to a senior marketing role before becoming the speechwriter for Zuckerberg.

Losse depicts him as socially awkward and aloof, branding him a ‘little emperor’ and somebody who considered those who were not tech-obsessed as ‘not people’.

In reference to his long term girlfriend Priscilla Chan, who is now his wife, she claims he once said: ‘I dated a model once who was really hot, but my girlfriend is actually smart’.

Elsewhere she writes that in the office Zuckerberg ‘walked with his chest puffed out, Napoleon-style, his curly hair jumping forward from his forehead as if to announce him in advance’.

He and Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskowitz used to say quotes from Top Gun to each other and put them on the footers of the Facebook pages they were working on.

They would read: ‘Too close for missiles, I’m switching to guns’.

On his 22nd birthday, things took an even more bizarre turn: women were told to wear a T-shirt with Mark’s picture on it and men had to wear Adidas flip flops in tribute to Zuckerberg’s style.

Losse writes: ‘The gender coding was clear: women were to declare allegiance to Mark, and men were to become Mark, or to at least dress like him. I decided that this was more than I could stomach and stayed home to play sick that day. I was the only one.’

Even though he now is deeply into self-improvement, in the early days of Facebook Zuckerberg seemed not so keen to champion his intellect.

Next to the question of his favourite book he wrote on his profile page: ‘I don’t read’.

Losse says that Zuckerberg had an ‘imperial voice’ and used to finish meetings by pumping his fist and saying: ‘Domination!’

Underlings would turn off a film they were watching and start playing computer games if he came in and said he wanted to game out.

On a press trip to Brazil, any doubt about how important Zuckerberg had become was removed during a conversation Losse had with one of his security guards.

He informed her that Zuckerberg was known as ‘the package’ and everyone else at the company were ‘the straps’.

Read more here,

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On his 22nd birthday female workers were even asked to wear a T-shirt with his face on it in his honour.

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Other source with more photos found here,

Connecting articles,

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Priscilla and Mark dated on-and-off for a while, and more steady when she got a job as a 4th and 5th-grade teacher at Harker School in 2007 before that Chan was the mentor and director at FASE (Femme en Action Pour Sauver L’environnement).

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You had me at I don't read, I would say to Mark Zuckerberg. Around 2006 when I joined, they had a Facebook Friends Tree where you could see how you were related to other friends and who they were friends with in a tree. They took that away. MySpace was better than Facebook. Too many people don't get that. I try to tell people as a web designer myself that MySpace was more customizable. Facebook is said to be connected to Life Log. Mark is probably related to Rothschild or Rockefeller or something. But Google, Facebook, etc, have been connected to things like DARPA, etc. They have been government or I mean tax-payer funded.

I believe you speak Truth @joeyarnoldvn! Definitely LifeLog shut down by DARPA same day FB started up. No Way Zuck wasn't selected and definitely follows the pattern and path of many a globalist.

I have heard the rumors that he is part of the Rothschild family. One thing is for Sure, the Truth is Stranger than Fiction!

Absolutely Tax Payer funded and here they Censor whatever info they Don't want the general population to see or hear!
