Thanks facebook for exposing the true nature of the facade! The true character of some users has been exposed!

in facebook •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Not sure how much longer I will be on facebook. The work the truth community does is rarely shown on this platform because I have spoken said truth about people and agendas including one of the orchestrators and manipulators himself. They know what I wrote, uncovered and reported on, so they have worked in tangent with their buddies on youtube to stifle the truth. Qanon has pointed both controlling platforms and their leadership out. They do not like those who are part of the Great American Awakening. . .goes directly against the narrative they are ardently spinning! There is however more response from TestingTheNarrative so will continue to post there.

Doing a channel change on youtube and doing what truth seeking reddit people and other platform groups seem to be doing. . .sharing and contributing where people Really care about Absolute truth. Pulling away from here. When we do try to interact with the other side they are generally vindictive and verbally abusive! Yes, it is to be expected and comes with the territory, yet sad that there are people so unwilling to agree to disagree, but instead prefer slinging insults while degrading whoever they are not able to bully. The friends some keep company with is rather revealing of their true nature.

At least those who used to be counted as true friends or family (in name at least) just keep their distance and interact amongst themselves, no complaints there and has been the accepted mo for years, rather expected. I am thankful and know I am blessed for the family that has always been there. Would be an even harsher world without them. Props and a thank you to the others who feel they are better than my family (and kudos to them if they are) as steering clear of drama is a good thing, not a bad thing! You find out fast who true family and friends are and you end up with people who will actually have your back. Great going facebook for making that clear! The facade completely crumbled before my eyes as people's true character has been exposed. Facebook deserves a pat on the back as I surely would have continued indulging in the fakeness if fb had not helped expose it. A reality check is good for all! Nothing wrong with a big dose of it! Facebook does have plenty of good points. Perhaps Fakebook, as I have seen many on a multitude of platforms refer to facebook is somewhat unwarranted. In all fairness, the purported creator has told us who he is numerous times, some of us, myself included didn't always lend an ear to the blatant truth.

I have to admit, I allowed myself to be played a fool! I am responsible for that, and not facebook. I do not look down on those who enjoy their distractions. Honestly, the distractions ARE more fun. Reality is not always fun. It is depressing, it is like wading through a quagmire of corruption, grant it, through the drainage you realize you are on steady ground and know what and who you can count on. No more vipers slithering around pretending to be helping you. I fully understand why people don't choose it. It's not the easy or attractive choice. Why in the world would someone choose it? Yuck! How does one make their way back to the distractions? Sometimes, I want to go back, where I am more readily accepted and at least they pretend to like me. Though it gets boring being spoon fed from the "tell a vision box" and going along with the crowd, it is far more peaceful and more accepting in the realm of entertainment. It is filled with such an abundance of fun, games, light talk, even indulgence. No need, no requirement to consider what might really be going on behind the scenes. How do I get the more acceptable"star glazed" stare back. Is there a shortcut where I can easily slip back into the hypnotic trance so I may consume more of the well scripted and prepared news. Ah the sitcoms and foretelling of the movies as Hollywood is praised for their "art and creativity," all while slamming anyone who dares to Test Their Narrative. Such nice people who know everything, say they have the moral high ground and only want the best for us. They have more money, more prestige, a greater reach so after all we should listen to the people being given awards and constant accolades for staying on script. I do miss the overload of Alpha Waves while consuming digital content! These pesky Beta waves are all analytical and no nonsense. Would if I prefer to ooh and ahhh at the fancy, colorful symbolism rather than break it down. What if the motions telling me what my end will be seem fancier than picking up on the underlying tones of a one world faction. Besides, nonsense can be entertaining, it clearly garners a larger fan base than cold, hard facts. I mean who wants that, their not always comforting! They smack you in the face, they challenge your pride, your ego, because after all, you can't admit you were wrong possibly for many years. Why would you admit that to others? It could mess with the concept of superiority. Admitting you don't know everything. . . goes against human nature. Plus, if you allow yourself to consider the truth, the hard facts, then it becomes part of your responsibility to think of a solution. Wouldn't that take more time away from the fun, entertaining distractions? Don't we deserve to be distracted from truth? How can I get back to a state filled with such abandon and oblivion?

I want to buy into what the reporter is telling me at face value and believe that they are there to help me, they want the best for me so why would I Dare question them. What is wrong with me not rewarding them with my undying trust? I want to watch a family show and not see what is behind the glitter. I don't want to understand first hand the saying "all that glitters is not gold". I miss the gold! Who couldn't use a little more gold in their life?

Truth stands on it's own, I love and want truth, but what do you do when Truth is diminished, no longer wanted by the general public, mostly ignored, censored, hidden away? What do you do when Deception is far preferred to Truth? What happens when the general public truly believes the history they were taught or the history the powers that be want them to adhere to? What about the people who claim they are responsible, but don't really want to handle the truth because it is inconvenient? Messes with their pre-set construct of how they believe the world they really live in is? Why would they want to leave their disengaged, but contented state? That ever cozy cocoon you can just let envelope you as it oh so faintly, subtly closes in on you, as if murmuring a tranquil lullaby helping you drift off into a blissful, embracing sleep or is it assimilation? You have become so mesmerized, you don't even care. Because it is soothing as it guides you, skillfully directing you to the oneness of the Mind Hive. You will enjoy it, after all, it is where everyone else deemed important, with the same system of values or lack thereof resides.

But if You on the other hand have resisted to where you become a nothing to some, then a wave of realization hits, weren't you always treated as nothing by them? So if you're honest, does it really matter? The people who care, the good people on our earth, will always treat you with goodness. There are plenty of them the mind hive will also continue to beat down; therefore, they become the focus.

To escape the rest, you simply go or drift away, you find out who your people are.

That being said, I do appreciate the people I have come to know and love on this platform. Nothing the Z does can ever change that or take it away! I believe that is where the true value lies. Gold and popularity on a quest for truth are proven to be part of the snare on the path of deception. So many who have obtained them demonstrate moments of emptiness and longing in between the fading rewards perceived. They simply get in the way of those on a quest for absolute truth, they fade fast, whereas truth. . .leads to freedom! Freedom from the slavery of stuff, the enslaved mindset of needing and thinking we want more. Freedom to live a life God intended. Not easy, but with meaning rather than emptiness and false acceptance.

When I'm not here, you can catch me on my facebook page Testing The Narrative and I'm counting on all you truth seekers to help in the Great American Awakening. 2018 is the year of We the People find the powers "that be" are slowly but surely becoming "have beens!" Truth is wanted by those courageous enough to push out of their comfortable, yet stifling cocoon of complacency and enter a world of the unknown, but a greater revealing of all that has been hidden! Godspeed! Where We Go One, We Go All!

What about you? What is your facebook story if you are still there or hanging on after being censored?

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