Keep your data secure on Facebook now. Just by taking an easy way

in facebook •  7 years ago 

Publish Date: sat, 24 Mar 2018 08:19 PM (IST) imageWith the help of these methods, the user will be able to prevent his information from being stolen on Facebook ...
(Tech Desk). A recent news surprised everyone. The news is that in the 2016 US presidential election, information about hundreds of Facebook users was stolen and tampered with. In such a situation, the debate over personal information on Facebook has again arisen. We are going to tell you some of the ways that you can help keep your account information safe.

'Two Factor Authentication'

If you want to keep your Facebook profile safe, first go to your profile settings and enable 'Two Factor Authentication'. By enabling this setting, even if someone knows your password, even then your profile will not be able to access.

Disable these options

You go to your Facebook account and turn off location settings and face recognition.

After this nobody will see your post

If you do not want to see any of your posts or photos, go to the Privacy option and enable the 'Only me' option. After this your people will not be able to see your activity. You can also hydrate any post with others through 'Only me' option.

Customize privacy settings

If you do not want anyone to see your account, email, number or post, then go to your account and set the privacy of friend requests, friend lists, e-mails, phone numbers as per your convenience.

Do not log on to another system

Avoid logging into your Facebook from someone else's system.

Before this, founder Brian Acton of WhatsApp was tweeting on Twitter, 'it is time'. Brian Acton has used the #deletefacebook hashtag on Twitter, which is trending on social media.

This is the case

This controversy is about the Facebook data leak. The Cambridge Analyst firm is alleged to have tampered with the data of millions of Facebook users. It is alleged that the firm influenced the 2016 US presidential election. Following the allegations on Facebook, the company has hired a digital forensic agency.

Dispute loss
In the Facebook data leak case, the share of the company fell to 9%, resulting in a loss of Rs 58,500 crore to Faceburu in just 48 hours.

Facebook statement

Facebook, facing the allegations, said in an ongoing statement that there was no information about the data being stolen. The company has told that he has banned Analyct on his platform and is investigating the matter himself.
Brian Acton

Brian Acton is one of the founders of What'sapp. Brian Acton, with the help of John Coom of Ukraine, launched Whootseep. Brian Acton has also worked for Yahoo, where he met John Koum

by basant mahali

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