Facebook and Snopes Censor Christian Website

in facebook •  7 years ago  (edited)

Facebook has threatened to take down a Christian comedy site after Snopes "fact-checked" an article that was marked as satire. PJ Media has more.

The Babylon Bee describes itself as a "Christian News Satire Site." Despite this explicit claim, Snopes has begun fact-checking. Here's why they did this, and here's what this matters.

Facebook has out-sourced fact-checking to left-wing site Snopes. When Snopes determines a website is spreading "fake news," the page gets flagged on Facebook. If Snopes flags enough of your content, Facebook will ban you.

Knowing this, Snopes has begun targeting Christian pages.

Snopes is fact-checking The Babylon Bee's jokes in an effort to get the Christian page banned from Facebook, and it's working. The Babylon Bee received a warning that it's page would be censored.


Big Tech companies hate Christians, as this attack by Snopes and Facebook proves.

Many Christians look the other way as controversial speakers like myself are censored, but make no mistake: Big Tech hates Christians more than anyone other group.

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Facebook blocked my one Facebook English Learning Group and also other groups too in 2017 for many months because I had a link to Agenda Of Evil (AOE) which Facebook said was not safe or maybe not safe or something bad or forbidden. After some months, Facebook allowed me access back into those groups which I created and administrated but only if I removed the links to AOE. And we know CNN harassed an old lady for Being Patriotic. And you can always add to this list of things they do. Terrible things globalists are doing. Ask people what they think about all of that.

the only thing they consider humor is spiteful remarks about Trump and his family.


Re-steemed to help get the word out!!!!

Me too. I'm resteeming (sharing) @Cernovich and others too.

Solutions! Earthships! Off Grid non-govt subsidized self sustainable Housing for the future! 50%+ made from re-used/‘recycled’ material. Keep it up Mike love your work.

Scott Adams talks about living in smart underground homes in the future.
Can you dig it? Speaking of Great Scott, can somebody get him on Steem?

Permaculture techniques like the Earthships will become very popular in the next few years. So will building techniques like Cob and similar other styles. Like censorship resistant buildings not reliant on processed materials from foreign countries.

What do you think about 3D printing?

One of my many hobbies. It's a lot like Steemit. The potential behind the idea and full use of the ability it provides are massive, but they are also some distance in the future.

I actually wrote a bit about it a while back...

Can we build blockchain WIFI?

Most likely. A company named DENT looks like they're doing something along the line of cellular networks. I'm assuming WIFI will be done eventually.

Also one that I've got scheduled on my white paper review list today, Privatix. Blockchain based VPN and Broadband market. Plus it's ticker is PRIX.


Hi Cernovich :)... I am messaging you as I am also a censored Christian, and I think we Christians do have a lot to share that is being censored. I myself am being censored for deciphering electricity into the hieroglyphs in the aftermath of the Christchurch man made earthquakes, and also being mind controlled from my true love for over ten years... I would like for you to report on it...

You can read about the truth here @ http://www.GodElectric.org

Feel free to share and redistribute, but please reference the ideas as it is important we expose the iniquity and evil at work on this planet...

In particular i was a Geotech Engineer in Christchurch targeted with electronic mind control weaponry, true story here >


I also had my true love mind controlled from me for many many years, but i cant put what happened to words.

All this has led to the true decipherment of the hieroglyphs here >


Hope you can take the time to learn and understand the electric cosmos.... The problem I normally find is reporters arent willing to approach such a story, normally they are mind controlled from it forming a type of censorship of the site http://www.GodElectric.org

Good luck with it and kind regards

What do you think about chem trails?

The Babylon Bee should get a Steemit account!

Agreed. Can you go tell them to come here?

Rogan won't help you. He's part of this Neo-Bolshevik revolution. He's not an Italian Christian, like Owen Benjamin said. He's an ethnic Khazar, real surname: Rogansky. You know, like Trotsky? Remember him? Rogansky is in it for the genocide, not the money. That's the elephant standing in the room with you. All Khazars are "holodomor deniers."



Is Owen Benjamin on Steem yet? Can somebody go get him?