in facebook •  8 years ago 


BANGKOK — Two ladies were accused Thursday of disregarding the Computer Crime Act for stripping on Facebook Live.

Thanyakarn "Meya" Rojin, 23, and Kanchanaicha "Kik" Buranon, 21, went to Bang Khen region police after warrants for their capture were issued Tuesday following a grumbling by an ethical crusader with a past filled with bringing legitimate activity against ladies for their lead.

"I would not like to do it. I needed to do it because of need, since I need to help my family and different costs," Meya said in tears Thursday subsequent to being driven before journalists. "I didn't figure it would be such a major ordeal or even a criminal case. … The page that contracted me would pay us increasingly if there were more likes and perspectives."

Police Col. Amnat Intarasuan said the two ladies broke Section 14, subsection 4 of the as of late changed Computer Crime Act, which makes it a criminal to transfer indecent material to publically open frameworks and has a greatest discipline of five years in prison and a 10,000 baht fine.

The two ladies handed themselves over and did not appear a flight hazard, Amnat said. Meya and Kik were allowed abandon obligations of 75,000 baht, and police said they would examine the page that contracted them.

The two ladies accompanied a legal advisor and were set up to pay obligations of 100,000 baht each. They were driven before police and columnists in a custom that is commonly valuable for individuals from the media and law authorization.

Kik said that she routinely strips on Facebook for cash however chose to do as such for the page since she would get paid in view of what number of individuals viewed.

Meya and Kik stripped exposed Aug. 23 on Facebook Live. The video was taped and shared by a soccer betting page which they were contracted to do to expand the page's preferences.

They were charged after police got an objection Tuesday from Songkran Atchariyatsap, the president and just obvious individual from a ultra moderate gathering called the Network Against Acts that Destroy Kingdom, Religion and Monarchy.

A lawyer, Songkran has utilized the police and media to battle against conduct he finds shocking. In 2014 he required the capture of three female college understudies who moved provocatively in video cuts he discovered on the web.

He's additionally battled against shamanism, pompously rich priests and in June stood up against the asserted unique treatment stood to a gathering of young ladies accused of murder. In Nov. 2015, he recorded a police protest about a page advancing gay porn including Buddhist priests and requested a priest be explored for charging ladies for him to rub their appearances and bosoms with a wooden penis to improve their sentimental fortunes.

Songkran keeps people in general advised of his activities on his Facebook page, where his profile is an impacts overwhelming video of him significantly putting on a blazing coat and pitching his lawful administrations.


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