Institutional Investors Attempt To Oust Zuckerberg From Facebook, There's Just One Thing...

in facebook •  6 years ago 

Institutional investors are trying to get Mark Zuckerberg ousted from Facebook.

The challenge is this proposal will follow a similar path as others. Zuckerberg controls more than 75% of the series B stock which has 10 times the voting power of the series A.

New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer, Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs, Rhode Island State Treasurer Seth Magaziner, and Pennsylvania Treasurer Joe Torsella, who control over $1 billion, are joining forces to have an independent board chair installed.

This after a series of scandals plague the social media giant.

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That would be amazing, but I also want him to stay in power. He just about has enough rope to hang himself. Lets give him a chance :-)