Facebook Status in Voice Command

in facebook •  7 years ago 

Now update your status with your voice on Facebook

WebDesk: To update the status, you have to get a lot of speed. Edit, save how much more. This time the 'Ad Voice Clip' feature is coming to Facebook to get rid of all this trouble. Not only writing, but a small voice record can be updated by its own status. It's a lot easier.

The feature is not yet officially released for users. Initially some experiments are being used. Testing is done by some of India's Facebook accounts. After that, it will come by July, for all.

These voices can be easily recorded from video records. The Facebook agency thinks it will bring people closer. Increase credibility. In addition to writing some types, sometimes the language becomes obstacle. What is the problem of the board is the main problem. In that case, voice clips are very open to help people talk to themselves.

Facebook spokesman told the media about the fact that Facebook has always been the easiest way to bring people to humans. That effort is still going on. So he thinks this will be quite acceptable.

Note that the agency is working on two smart home speakers to bring this feature. Fiona and Eloha Both of these software are designed by the Building 8 Hardware Lab. Good to say, Eloha is much better and easier than Fiona. Aloha will come in market like a pork. It is able to keep user pictures even with voice record.

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