Art about and for the new money

in facebook •  8 years ago

The ever elusive Satoshi Nakamoto was the inspiration for the above art piece by the international contemporary artist Vesa Kivinen. He is giving blockchain and cryptocurrency a new kind of visual credibility and a public artist face through his recently released platform

”Pushback” has a recent Bitcoin curve as the backdrop for the fight between the bull and the bear.

Besides Andy Warhol, there have not been many professional artists who have made art about the financial world or money in general. We dare to say this takes it to another level.

”Goldrush” is a visual high five for the crypto miners.
He says: ”These works are certainly not for everybody but for those who get it, there really isn’t anything else like it out there and it’s available to buy via coins. There is a boom of blockchain start ups & new wave entrepreneurs with lots of wall space and resources but no relevant art to identify with. It’s my aspiration to be their visual voice of more than a thousand words for this world.”

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