Setup Facebook Pixel and Conversion API For IOS 14 Update via Google Tag Manager using Server Side

in facebook •  last year 

• Google Analytics 4 Enhanced Ecommerce & Event Tracking
• Implement Events Tracking
• Data Layer setup
• Setup Google Analytics UTM Tags
• Setting up E-commerce Tracking using different plugins
• Setting up Add to cart, Checkout Button Tracking.
• Set up conversion and Remarketing Tracking
• Setting up Goals, Google Add conversion and Filter Tracking using GTM
• Setting up UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) Parameters
• Tracking Button click, Form Submission, Scroll Depth, and Phone Number Click Tracking using GTM
• Embedded YouTube Videos Tracking using GTM
• Analyze different reports on Google Analytics
• Google Add conversions codes
• Setting up Cross-domains Tracking
• Setting up different goals and Funnels for different Ecommerce websites.
• Facebook Pixel & Conversions API
• Offline and Online Conversion Tracking
• Consulting on the functionality of different Google Tools (Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager.

Google Tag Manager (1).png

Google Tag Manager (2).png

Google Tag Manager.png

#facebookadvertising #facebookmarketing #googleads #youtubeads #musica #band #produce #pinterest #linkedin #fashion #googletagmanager #googleads #googleanalytics

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