in facebook •  8 years ago 

My dad was just watching tv and I just overheard the news say " Facebook is seeking a pattern to be able to watch users through thier device without thier knowledge!"
In otherwords, they are secretly viewing your every move without you even knowing!
They will get your approval by simply getting you to agree to a new update through terms and conditions! (WHICH NOBODY READS!!!)
Do you think this could be abused!!!
😋 I DO! 😄
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Nothing new. All of the corporate owned platforms do this. Use Steemit everyone

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Unfortunately... Your right!!!

By adding it to their terms and conditions just means that they are going to start doing it legally now.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yeah your right!

Edward Snowden: 'Hey US, pretty much all your phones are tapped.'

US: Staring at our screens playing flappy bird

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hahahaha!!! THAT MADE MY DAY!



Na, Facebook they are sooo honest....NOT!
thanks for sharing amigo.....

Hahah! No, thank YOU

yes i saw ... it's serious

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yes it is serious!!!

The reason we need to go to open source everything..
Thanks good post ...following ....

Thx for the support, I am following too!

They've been doing it for a very long time. Facebook is nothing but a massive datamining operation. Google listens through your computer/device as well. That's why you see ads tailored to things that you've only mentioned in voice conversations with people. This is known. Amazon does it as well. All the internet giants do it, through various means. There are several topics written about this on my website:

"Advertising" used as a patsy in internet giants' SPYING AND VOYEURISM

Amazon gives Google a run for its money, datamining all aspects of its userbase

Google INDISPUTABLY just read my mind and I'm totally freaked and not cool with it...

Google is IMITATING natural synchronicity to target ads...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Wow, thx for the quality content!! I didn't know bout Google, but thank you for informing me!

You're welcome, thanks for reading!!!

Does not surprise me at all. I already removed FB from my phone.