Facebook Should pay for using my Data!

in facebook •  7 years ago 

While I appreciate Zuckerberg's apology and Full-page advertisements, it is too little too late for me. Facebook and Google have virtually turned an individual like me into a sellable product, this aspect of data collection and subsequent usage of Algorithms to profile my behavior for profit is totally unfair and devoid of ethical considerations.

Its a scary prospect of what all ill-conceived things are possible if the current rate of profiling continues unless there is a proper regulation and law to monitor such activities.

Like the way, John Rockefeller's Standard Oil was broken up, its time for two social media giants like Facebook and Google to be broken down. The concept of "Too big to Fail" does not apply at all since general social & moral concerns outweigh economic consideration hands down. This is the only way facebook can ever repay me.

One of the things which i would like to see is that Individual data should be treated as sovereign resource and there should strict laws defending them.

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