With Facebook recently being in the media for a data scandal and Mark Zuckerberg reeling from the mishap, I thought I'd share a few Facebook facts you might not know.
These aren't necessarily bad or sinister, but while Facebook is at the forefront of our minds I thought this might make an interesting read.
Check it out.
One. You can't block Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook - it's impossible.
Two. Facebook has been blocked in particular parts of China since 2009.
Three. One in three people feels more disillusioned with their lives after logging into Facebook.
Four. A whole host of people have been murdered for unfriending people on Facebook.
Five. It's possible to see every single profile picture on the Facebook platform by visiting /app.thefacesoffacebook.com/
Six. A whopping 600,000 hacking attempts are made on Facebook accounts each and every day.
Seven. If you feel like mixing it up a little, you can change your language to 'pirate' in your Facebook settings. Gaaar!