Facebook ads For Local Businesses 2020

in facebook •  5 years ago 

Welcome to eBusiness Marketing Learning Center. Today I'm going to be going over Facebook ads Strategy for local businesses. So, some different strategies you can use as a local business such as trying to target a small area that you serve. Now I am going to assume you already have a Facebook account and page for your business, so we will get started in the Facebook business manager. d":1033,"width":768,"height":425,"sizeSlug":"full"} --> Picture of business manager If you don’t and are not sure how to do this there's a guide on the Facebook business website create a business manager. If you need to create your own business manager you will need a Facebook business page so for this example we're just going tp be using a random page and then you'll also need an advertising account so that's where you manage all of your advertisements so we're going to get started by opening up our advertising account. Here and should look something like this: d":1034,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Picture of the Facebook ads manager If you have no campaigns yet there won't be any campaigns showing here so what we're going to do to get started is just go right in and create a campaign. When you create a new campaign you have different marketing objectives that you can use, so for this ideally what you would want to use is conversions. (If you have no clue how to get this far chances are you never have run Facebook ads before. Here is a link to a Facebook Ads tutorial for 2020 a whole video on how to drive conversions and how to set up conversion tracking.) Now you're a small local business you don't really want to worry that much about conversion tracking you're just trying to get the word out there about your brand and about some of the services you offer. You're just trying to target people in your local market and you either want to reach as many people as possible or you just want to get some engagement on your post. That's where you want to get started. There is three different options here let's just say you're not running a conversions campaign for this example again if you want to find things about conversion campaigns just go to the Facebook Ads tutorial. Let’s just say you're just trying to get the word out there about some of your services. What you can do here is under consideration you can either choose an engagement campaign or under awareness, you can do brand awareness or reach. What I would highly recommend doing is an engagement campaign. d":1035,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Picture of the ads manager choosing the type of campaigne So we're going to be doing an engagement campaign here and under engagement. We will be doing a post engagement, so let’s pretend that we have a carpet cleaning company, and we're based in Athens Georgia. Obviously, you want to update this for whatever town you are in and whatever service business you have. So, under campaign name here what I will do is name it carpet cleaning example. What I like to do is campaign budget optimization here and optimize budget across ad sets. As you can see in the picture below: d":1036,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Picture of Facebook Campaign set up Also, with campaign budget what you can do is either set a daily budget let's just say you want to budget twenty dollars per day and you just want to keep that so you can get as much engagement as possible on your post. Otherwise what you can do is set a lifetime budget so think of a lifetime budget as your monthly budget you can always increase this over the course of time it is your choice. Let's just say we want to spend $600 this month we want to focus on driving more people to our business and we're going to spend $600. So basically, you're trying to get the most engagements which include comments, shares, and likes. So our campaign bid strategy will be the lowest cost. Now I am just throwing this out there. One thing we can do is if we click on show advanced options here you can run your ads on a schedule rather than running ads all the time. If you use a daily budget you have to run ads all the time, but if you use a lifetime budget like we have set in the picture above you can run ads on a specific schedule. Like 9 to 5 or something like that. d":1037,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Picture of ad budget set up We will click continue and when you do come into your ad set. The first thing we want to do is name our ad set and you can set up multiple ad sets if you want to. But let’s just stick with one for now. I'll show you how to do that after we publish the campaign. But for right now we will set up our first ad set and I will name it the same as the ad campaign. (carpet cleaning example). (Now under audience) you can create a new audience. You can use saved audiences (as seen in the picture) if you have any audiences that you've created already and saved. But we are going to say this is your first time setting up an ad so we will create a brand-new audience. d":1038,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Picture of ads manager setting up the audience First, we need to get rid of the United States by clicking on the X as you hover over the box with your mouse. Then in the box below that says “People Living In or Recently in this location” click the drop-down arrow and choose “people living in this location”. d":1039,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Picture of ads manager audience demographic This is very important because you only want to target people who actually live in your target area and not people who are just passing through or on vacation. We just want to reach people who live in Athens Georgia so in the box type in the address of your business. For this demo, I will type in main st Athens Ga d":1040,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Picture of ads manager choosing a geographical area So now you can see we are targeting [People Who Live withing a ten-mile radius of Main St Athens Ga. Now depending on your business, you may want to go out further. If you do just click the drop-down next to 10 and set your radius to whatever you want. You can also add other towns by just adding them to where you added the first town next to the included box. Next, we are going to do some detailed targeting. Going down the line you have Age, Gender and Languages. This totally depends on your particular business, but for the carpet cleaning business, I want to target people who actually own a home or business so for the age I would start at 25 – 65+ just to start. For gender, I would leave it alone for now till I get some data that will show me if in fact more Men are acting on my add or more Women or is it about equal. You won’t know that until you run the ad for about a week. But you may have a hair salon and only attract women. See what I mean? As far as the language I would leave it wide open. Next is detailed targeting. This is where you get specific as to your target audience. I want people who have carpet in their homes or businesses so here the first thing I would do is in the detailed targeting box I would type in home as you can see in the picture below. Then hover over "Home Improvement" and to the right, you will get a description. In the interest, you see what the interests are and people who have expressed interest in home improvement pages. As you can see global audience size is over 282 million for that interest. d":1041,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Picture of Facebook ads manager detailed targeting So when you click on home improvement you can see it goes to the top and is added to the detailed targeting. You then click on suggestions and you get another dropdown and give you suggestions based on the first thing that you enter here. So it has home improvements, home repair, renovation, and so on. Just try to target something related to exactly the services that you're offering. So using our carpet cleaning service we are going to come in here and let's just type in carpet and we'll see what comes up. Carpet cleaning so there's interest right here eight point eight million people so we can get rid of home improvement here and just focus on people with an interest in carpet cleaning. d":1042,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Picture of Facebook ads manager detailed targeting now you can see our potential reach is only 8,177 people so we might want to increase that a little bit so if we click on suggestions here what we can do is maybe floor cleaning maybe you can do housekeeping cleanliness cleaner home improvements so those are some different options that you can try. See my final audience below. d":1045,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> picture of Facebook ads manager audiences As you can see my final audience is 17,000 and I reached that by widening my search area to 20 miles using the interests you see that are related. I have added a bunch of interest related to just cleanliness so we have carpet cleaning, Cleanliness, floor cleaning, living room, and spring cleaning. What we want to do is target people who have an interest in-floor cleaning and they also must match one of these interests This will be different for other local businesses depending on your location and your service. As you scroll down a little you will see this box. Do not check this box as Facebook will show your ads to people who will not relate to your business and waist your money. d":1046,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Facebook ads manager narrowing audience further picture As seen in the picture above if you have a tracking code on your website and you know there are people who have had any of these reactions you can also add them to your audience. Otherwise, leave this alone. In the picture below you have automatic placements and by default, all will be checked. You only want people to see your ads in the Facebook and Instagram platforms if you have Instagram. Everything else you want to uncheck. d":1047,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Now ignore the rest and scroll down to Optimization & Spending Controls. As you can see you are optimized for post engagement. We chose this in the first section because we want people to engage with our post so we can increase likes, shares, and comments. Cost control we also set in the beginning as a $ 600-lifetime limit. You can change that any time you wish. d":1048,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Now when you click next you are going to go over to the ad set part of the process. As you can see below the first thing is to name the ad set. I called it Engagement - carpet cleaning example. Then you need to identify the page your ad will identify with which will be your page. As you can see mine is automatically set to my Handyman Page and if you have more than one page like I do you can hit the drop-down arrow and choose the page you want. I will keep min on Connecticut Handyman. d":1049,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Picture of Facebook ads manager choosing your page identity Once you have chosen your page you then need to either choose a post that has been already written or you can create one. This is your choice. If you have a good post that has received engagement you might want to choose it. But remember you are trying to get people to engage with your ad so perhaps you might want to create an ad or post with a call to action. This is your choice. d":1050,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> Picture of choosing a post or creating one in the ads manager The last thing you need to do is if you have a tracking pixel set up make sure it is turned on. If you don't not to worry about that, for now, I will cover tracking pixels in another post or video. That is all there is to set up Facebook Ads for local businesses tutorial. It isn't hard but what you need to do is monitor the ad. If after a week you are not getting the engagement you desire you can always change the ad set or create new ones to see which ones will do the best. There is no exact science and almost all the time your first ads will not perform very well. It takes practice and knowing what pushes your audience's buttons to get them to react.

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