Facebook rolls out AI to detect suicidal posts before they’re reported
I wouldn't be surprised if soon all "depressed" posts are sufficient reason for a 3 day hold... and hey, talking "anarchy" or anything else deemed "subverse"...
Well, you MUST be depressed.
See these algorithms? They prove it.
Oh wait. Right. We're not showing you. Just another experiment...
Yes, that is paranoid, but not unjustified.
It is not currently the case, and it absolutely has the potential to be, and likely will.
This is even acknowledged in the article itself:
"The idea of Facebook proactively scanning the content of people’s posts could trigger some dystopian fears about how else the technology could be applied. Facebook didn’t have answers about how it would avoid scanning for political dissent or petty crime, with Rosen merely saying “we have an opportunity to help here so we’re going to invest in that.” There are certainly massive beneficial aspects about the technology, but it’s another space where we have little choice but to hope Facebook doesn’t go too far."
Yeah. Totally. Just like how Google didn't go evil.
And now, let's look at the ways that the FBI, CIA, and NSA will overstep their bounds and overuse these technologies intended to help people that's being used on a platform that has blatant disregard for the consent of users to be experimented on for the profit of a corporation:
"This is software to save lives. Facebook’s new “proactive detection” artificial intelligence technology will scan all posts for patterns of suicidal thoughts, and when necessary send mental health resources to the user at risk or their friends, or contact local first-responders. By using AI to flag worrisome posts to human moderators instead of waiting for user reports, Facebook can decrease how long it takes to send help."
"Facebook also will use AI to prioritize particularly risky or urgent user reports so they’re more quickly addressed by moderators, and tools to instantly surface local language resources and first-responder contact info. It’s also dedicating more moderators to suicide prevention, training them to deal with the cases 24/7, and now has 80 local partners like Save.org, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Forefront from which to provide resources to at-risk users and their networks."
I've been in psychiatric hold for 3 days against my will before.
Do you know why?
I was depressed and making videos talking about it on YouTube.
The college staff saw it, and with another incident, was allowed to put me in hold. I didn't understand that until I was in the building; I wanted to confront them.
I didn't know I wouldn't be able to leave.
Given how tragic the usage of the AI system has been for YouTube users, and that Facebook is pretty much using the same Google-driven system, we're going to witness some very inhumane results, en masse, in regard to people being kidnapped for suicidal thoughts...
if everyone stays on Facebook.
Welcome to the next level of technological Orwellianism, powered by the belief in authority, exemptions to the rules, and taxation, the systematic theft of the majority of people, the systematic rape of abundance and prosperity on a global scale.
Don't get me wrong, there are a number of aspects that I like about Facebook, and it has been a pioneer in terms of video.
But, you and I know that the FBI, CIA, and NSA surveil it.
This is the last nail in the coffin for me.
Maybe it is for you. Maybe not.
If not, I hope you aren't kidnapped, or worse.
Maybe I'm wrong. I'd be glad to be wrong.
Let's find out, because we know not everyone will take heed.
Heck, people have already before this taken heed in regard to Facebook and I haven't yet!
You can take the conversation up with Mark Zuckerberg.
He made a status about it and there's an active conversation going.