RE: U.S. and Israeli Governments Partly Behind Facebook Censorship?

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U.S. and Israeli Governments Partly Behind Facebook Censorship?

in facebook •  7 years ago 

Facebook is the Intelligence communist KGB / CIA ❗️They know they have no way of explaining anything like two planes knocking down three skyscrapers on 9/11❗️So they have to keep pushing BULLSHIT to keep everyone distracted to the truth . And the truth is they only have to the end of this year to resolve things , otherwise shit will blow up in the financial system . And how happy do you think the sheeple will be when they loose it all again ❓I wouldn’t be surprised if many go out on the streets and get their own form of justice . Because the key to keeping a civilization civil is justice , and in the absence of justice , then sheeple will form their own . And everyone knows who is responsible , so it won’t be a very long hunt at all . And ISRAEL 🇮🇱 knows dam well the finger will be pointed at them . We give them billions of dollars a year so they can go and dictate to us what to do⁉️Its time for ISRAEL to submit to nuclear weapons inspections ‼️

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