Those of you reading my posts know facebook has taken it upon themselves to have at least one of their young liberal sorority or fraternity hirees trolling or flagging my posts right away. Why? They won't tell me. I have done what I consider due diligence, rather than just air my grievances to all of you, I have also taken the time to pen a note, well, truth be told numerous notes! No name calling no language, but truthfully there has been "calling out their corruption!" Notes like this one,
"This is not spam. It is my own work. Every time I try to share anything from my page, I am harassed by the FB ai or the people paid to censor. Not spam, please restore!"
Are we supposed to put quotes on our own writings. I don't know but it was the note on their "we pretend to let
you air your grievances about our bullying tactics!")
I will put a link to the video I was not allowed to share under this article and the screen shots of what facebook has done to me and others. I of course am not the only one. They are doing this to countless others!
Yes, I realize these MZ (who stole facebook from a group of 3 fellow students and settled in court was it millions or billions?) wannabe starlets are purposely attempting to antagonize or harass me, so I try not to give them more fuel, but as seen in this next note to them where they pretend to allow you to state you have been wrongly banned, then proceed to not answer you at all (this after days of notes and questions).. I will be doing a blog post on this interesting story of MZ's theft later, but I digress. Following is a yet another note to these FB elitists who sit in their minion seats. I picture them snacking, guzzling their monster energy drinks and laughing raucously together as they poke, harass and ban as many Good truth tellers as possible. All while letting pedophilic posts, videos promoting the sexualization of children, posts ridden with expletives and Trump + Trump supporter hate as in Michael Moore's latest. . ."lets ethnically cleanse our population of All White Trump Voters "dialogue. If it's hateful, wicked and promotes violence towards good people as in Muslim killings, torture and beheading. . .it's allowed to stay. If it supports and makes ribald jokes about how great it is for transgenderism or risque lgbtq (the pedo's want to tack a p on there, I realize not all lgbtq community are in favor), or if it is someone name calling and bashing common sense good people, they applaud it. All while taking down any news information that exposes who and what the MSM are. So here is where you can tell I am sick of sending notes I know are going nowhere while these entitled kids who went to school on their establishment daddy or mommy's money, provided of course by US Taxpayers, sit around mocking all Good people.
"Are you kidding? Why am I not allowed to comment on like minded groups and everything I post is marked as spam or I am banned? I know why. . .you used to allow groups on here that harmed certain citizens. There have been many times you are racist and do not let info featuring a person of ethnicity to be shown. FB is getting a bad name on every other platform out there. Even Soros is speaking out. Interesting. Do you suppose he will eventually absorb FB. YIKES. I guess enjoy it while it lasts."
Isn't Soros connect on a board somewhere anyhow? Interesting angle Soros, interesting angle!
Yes, I realize I have succumbed to their level. I am sorry, I am human! I realize they are purposely trying to incite
me and only I can allow myself to become a willing participant. Did I say, I am only human?
Yes, I can go to another platform. We do live in somewhat of a free country. Just no Free Speech! So I do. I still put up posts, and engage in the war between facebook and free speech thinkers, but I have taken myself over to Diaspora. Have you heard of it? It is incredibly easy to set up a login. They even allow you to draw from your facebook profile. Then actually allow you to have Free Speech. Do you remember those days? Zero Censoring and oh so liberating. So I am not saying you have to completely Leave your diabolical facebook. . .FB knows we have built our friendships for years. But if you are like me, and have had most of your family, and all your leftist friends shun you because you speak truth, if you are tired of fb calling your exposure of corruption Spam and telling you, you are temporarily banned from sharing with like minded groups (i.e. permanently banned with one of their sorority/fraternity possibly they are identifying as a Giant Ice Cream Cone that may or may not be she today or will be he late tonight, and how dast you say the wrong pronoun) . Yes I realize that is a run on sentence, but we are breaking new ground here in trying to deal with these people who don't even Know Who they Are, then get furious if we don't realize who or what they think they are that day so we rely on "that"). THAT is who is deciding whether we can speak or not. Do you want this? Or do you want to take a stand! Consider joining platforms like Diaspora, Gab, Steemit where Freedom of Speech abounds and you don't have to worry about who/what someone is identifying as Today, Tomorrow or Next Year!
Will their rule of tyranny be allowed to continue? I guess that is really up to you and me. The good people of the world who are wanting to end the diabolical controls, end their push towards totalitarian one world government being instituted by the Cabal i.e. hollywood, the music industry and the elitists all pay allegiance to with the support of their legislation writing corrupt (also very wealthy and elitist) politicians. There are other platforms. What I am doing is posting in my tiny sphere where they allow, i.e. my Testing The Narrative facebook page and personal page. Please feel free to go on over and LIKE my facebook Testing The Narrative page. Do I realize I don't need to give them the power? Yes I do. That is why I have also joined Diaspora who does not censor so I am able to have a greater reach in exposing this NWO evil while attempting to get our country back on track to the republic it originally was. We are the People and we have a right to Be Heard. Remember this was one of Qanon's encouragements. .. Be Heard. Gab, Steemit, Voat, Reddit and Diaspora all allow this. Facebook thinks it's a one trick pony, let's show them they Cannot Control our quest for shining the light upon their darkness!
I went over to take a screen shot of the beautiful black woman's video they would not allow me to share with other groups and they pulled my post completely off of my own page after it was there! I would say they are unbelievable, but diabolical is more like it! Now going to try to post their own facebook link directly. No, they wouldn't let me share that on my Testing the Narrative either. Here is the link.
Not sure how long before they scrub it as it was removed from both my Testing the Narrative page and personal.
I also can no longer find it on the friend's page where I first saw it and shared.
See the screen shots to verify their banning below. Here is an interesting article on how they ban good groups and people
Here is another fascinating article showing who Facebook pays allegiance and obedience to. Are they whipped or can they make their own decisions?
And yet another where the NYT is cashing in on this totalitarian censorship!
Here is an article where a group talks about being censored and removed!
One of my own posts they would not allow me to communicate on or respond to other members.
Yet another instance where they have harassed me and asked the same question over and over. They did this about 7 times, I stuck with it, but only room to screen shot 3 times.
Here is one where other facebook users are having the same problem. Of course I was not allowed to communicate with them as I am in facebook isolation for telling people the truth.
Another post where I am not allowed to comment with friends or like minded people
This is why they would not allow me to share truth about Bill Nye who featured a video on his show called Bill Nye saves the world on net flix, my sex junk targeted at children.
Here is one where another facebook user posts the spam messages she keeps receiving. In doing so I am exposing myself where I am, shall we say, just a little jumping (much to the fb paid censors glee I'm sure) as get a great deal of hate. That being said there are plenty of Good people out there combating the hate. A FB user had responded not credible after I posted the truth vid on Bill Nye. After my appalled response with source info, she let me know she meant Bill Nye was not credible. Egg on my face and an apology necessary, but it opened up a dialogue where she then asked if I was getting these spam messages. Boy did I have a story for her!