Facebook's harsh restrictions where you are not allowed to even private message family if you don't Cave to their Agenda! Evidence and report!

in facebookcensorship •  5 years ago  (edited)

Had shared out a video on Facebook from another poster that showed a Dancer (looked to be Trans) dancing for a little girl in a chair. The video was a video on Their own platform. After a few days I woke up to this message plastered across my Facebook,

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Now at this point I had No idea what the issue was. I usually share out vetted info and as stated above, it had been a few days since sharing a post where the video footage was on Facebook's platform.

It became clear when I saw this,

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When I tried to figure out what the deal was as this video was posted and shared in an effort to show placing children in inappropriate positions and allowing them to view adult behaviors. . .I got this,

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Are you kidding me? Now they are protecting Pedophiles over Protectors and Guardians of children showing people footage which was public and put out into the public even shared here. Now keep in mind, the footage I shared out was just the first "dancer" and not the rest of the following video. I went out and had to find this since I assume FB removed original from their page shared by another poster.

Already out there on the Daily Caller,

Adults Cheer As Drag Queen Dances For Little Girl

After I was put on suspension. . .and yes it IS usually much longer up to a month. . .but has never been to where I can't even post on my own page, wasn't allowed to "like" other's comments on my own page or interact, and they stopped me from talking in a private message from my daughter. Interestingly enough, they allowed one regular message to go through after she sent me a link. She is young, I redpill when I can carefully, but She was the one that sent me the following info.

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Here is the direct link,

I was allowed to respond Until I mentioned something about the coronavirus related to her link to make her think along with a mainstream link of how fast those protests shut down once the coronavirus hit.

I had taken the time to write her my take on the link also and this is what I got back from Facebook in red, like I'm some kid who just broke the rules, weird. . .

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As I needed to archive this, I did a report and uploaded as backup to Bitchute as things go missing on certain platforms.

Facebook Censors with filters to protect predators over the rights of Children, alleged with proof

Here is the Bitchute one as info is suppressed and at times completely removed,

I hadn't even shared out the following report yet on FB, was getting ready to and got this message,

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So Yet again. . . after first suspension I had shared out Nothing, even when lifted. Had only liked a post on my page another great Patriot named Umberto shared with me by tagging me. Didn't Even share it out. Had talked to 2 people in private message, just about daily stuff, then told my mom the report I did on what Facebook had done to me. Right after that when I went to write to her again. . .I got the message above.

What gives? Now we can't even talk privately to people just for exposing information. I did recently do This post, which I also archived in steemit for safe keeping so I suppose the "Powers that be" of the lifelog C_a are steemin mad! Too Bad!

This from the Same platform that shared out THIS survey. ..yet the Protectors like me are being punished. Talk about a Tell!

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Facebook Frames on Pete Buttigieg dropping out of the race and a Trump Tweet share.
I suppose Just for mentioning a Trump Tweet I am watched closely, well that and exposing FB lifelog's connections to people who worked on Obama and Hillary's campaign along with Another agenda targeting children!

Also recently shared out,

Facebook Frames What Progressives See vs what Anons see when observing the praise of msm heaped upon the head of Pete Buttigieg.


This one goes over all his roots. ..

Facebook Frames Pete Buttigieg’s family and connections to various elites.


Also did one on Biden as he is receiving all of Pete Buttigieg's votes,

Facebook Frames Joe Biden's Ballooning Blunders even Progressives have taken note!


Will drop the steemit articles where I have archived these and in case they go missing!






A report you can listen to while doing chores covering some of this,

The Agenda Buttigieg out of the race, his connections to High Tech and votes going to Biden?

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Melissa, I was banned for sharing a photo of Kylo kissing Rey.