Facebook won't let me share out Brandon Tatum's video on TI vs Candace Owens where the media tried to claim she was owned. . .She WASN'T, An elitist tried to twist information and MSM ran with it! Where to report FB for Free Speech Violations!

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Recently posted this concerning Candace Owens testimony on the White Supremacy Hearing. When I tried to share out analysis and a breakdown by another Black American youtuber, I was harassed and stopped by Facebook.

Here is the post. A screenshot then all the words that were contained,

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Isn't it funny how the Mockingbird Media keeps pretending Candace Owens got owned just because the side They support shouts, rants and throws all out Temper Tantrums?

In the Real world where Parents PARENT UP, toddlers Don't Win! They Don't get what they want just for displaying their temper and lack of reasoning!

WeThePeople work off of logic rather than drama and displays of emotion!

Candace Owens Clearly Owned these repugnant, elitists attempting to make claims on White Supremacy. When she asked Point Blank for numbers. ..Guess what? They could produce NONE. They are proven to be frauds constantly banging out a drum beat of one of their "coined phrases" meant to incite and cause those temper tantrums, rather than have people Think for themselves and rely on Facts over "identity politics."

How the left despises someone Standing on Fact and principle rather than the left's pre-scripted dialogue which they admitted themselves is meant to "dumb down."

Just go do some research if you're not familiar. One of the DNC's goals was to "dumb down" the population.

Now I don't want to call, nor do I think those still falling for the left's ploys are stupid. They simply choose to be "owned" by an agenda the left has Spelled out for them. . .Agenda 21 and 30. They Have to Tell you what they are doing. They do and they left STILL supports their blatant control.

Thank you for all you done Candace Owens #SlavesNoMore, #SheepNoMore

Will put in comments the longer clip from CSPAN and a clip by this great youtuber breaking it down. He makes some Very Valid points!

#BLEXIT, #WeThePeople, #CandaceOwens, #UnitedWeStandDividedWeFall

And a Thank You to #JimJordan and #Mark Meadows for giving your time to Candace when one of the Elitists selfishly took Her time for their own rant (because they are used to being "entitled!")

Put this into the comments and was able to share out initially to groups,

Watch how this elitist Nit Picks a word. THIS is exactly what they do! The radicals Zero In a word or action. .. take out Completely out of context in an effort to Distract. Only thinking people care or catch on. Sadly the rest fall for this insulting ploy! "Hilarious" was used in response to the the fact these elitists hadn't asked certain questions Not in the manner the elitists accused.
These people are diabolical! Thank you @CandaceOwens for pointing out they do this to Manipulate and Fit their False Narrative! You're right Candace, her tactics and false accusations are despicable! THIS was the real OWNING! Fantastic Candace! Carry On!

Candace Owens at hearing on Confronting White Supremacy

Here is the one where I started receiving this message over and over, so I check marked the box and continued on, but Sure Enough, just as they have done to me before when they didn't like certain info being shared out. ..they Stopped me!

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Got this message numerous times,

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Then finally this one,

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All because they didn't want me sharing out Brandon Tatum's video.

This was the full comment they stopped,

Hear this youtuber bring up some Great points about TI vs Candace Owens. WOW!

Candace Owens Got DESTROYED By TI?

So this was my post to document it,

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Looks like FB doesn't like me sharing out the Candace Owens testimony on White Supremacy.

Wonder why They have a such an issue with it. After shared out info in a post, said I would Also share a longer clip of Candace giving testimony on CSPAN, then another youtuber analyzing what the mockingbird media was Trying to claim about Candace Owens being by TI.

Once I started sharing out these great youtubers video they started harassing me. . ..Bot, bot, bot. Fine, I checked the box. . .NOT a bot, then carried on.

Do you suppose they finally started shutting me down because this courageous black youtuber isn't spouting the Narrative of "the powers that be?" AKA fb social justice warrior employees?

Remember. . .they will do Whatever it Takes to bully and try to Force their way.

Better training needed for your "trainees" Zuck! Going to have to report this here because Candace and Brandon Tatum's voices should NOT be silenced.

I thought you all for Equality? Where is the Equality when I am NOT allowed to share these videos with like minded groups?

FYI, one of their sjw trolls Already had an issue on a previous post concerning Vaccinations causing death, so I suspect they have their army out in force always watching Truth Tellers! Probably won't be able to share this post out to groups now as they want to silence those exposing their and their cabal's corruption! That's okay, got phone calls to make and other platforms who Don't censor willing to get the info out. STILL WINNING!

Do better Zuckie!


Telephone: (202) 326-2222

Senate Majority Consumer Affairs Committee

Phone: (202-224-1251

Call the President


Comments: 202-456-1111

Here is a recent article that shows Facebook tries to have it both ways and WeThePeople have decided we are sick of One Set of Laws for them. . .and another for us.

Is Facebook a private company, a publisher or a platform? See how they are connected to an intelligence agency and boast employees from secret projects like DARPA. How they use the law wrongfully to censor. The antitrust case against them.


Another connector article here,

Another example of their censorship here where they put my mama in jail! My mama is one of the kindest, sweetest ladies to people UNLESS you step on the rights of others then She Will Stand up for Them! Why should she be silenced? Some were saying #UnshackleMama

What are people wanting to silence others on Facebook so afraid of? The fallout from posting evidence my Mama was put in FB jail for her beliefs and support of 9/11 victims.


Do you think Facebook should be held accountable for hindering the rights of some (Free Speech of Conservatives) while allowing those who hold their same political views free reign?

Please let me know in the comments below! Godspeed!

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