in factbomb •  6 years ago 

FACT BOMB "Hippopotamus"

#Did-you-know that the name Hippopotamus means river horse, the common hippos can be 30 ft long and 5 ft tall and weight up to 3 tons thats 7000kg.

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Hippos can hold their breath under water up to 5mins, hippos are semi-acquatic mammals they have short legs and short tails..... hippos are the second largest land animals

Hippos are herbivores animals are they are more active at night, hippos can consume up to 35kg of herbs per one meal stand.

image source

#did-you_know that a female hippo is called cows, they usually reproduce every two years to a single calf

#Now-you-know 😂...which of the facts do you find the most amazing, drop your comments below and dont forget to follow @farms for more mind blowing facts you never thought existed.

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The most remarkable fact in my opinion is that hippos can consume up to 35 kg of herbs per one place to eat. This can defeat elephants and other wild animals. Thank you for sharing @farms