Studying And Working With Coffee Farmers For A Few Days

in factory •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Hallo sahabat steemians dimanapun kita berada,semoga kita semua masih dalam keadaan sehat.

Di kesempatan ini saya ingin berbagi kegiatan dan pengalaman saya ketika melihat serta membantu pekerjaan petani penjemur kopi dalam waktu lebih kurang satu minggu ketika saya berada di Kota dingin dan di area pabrik kopi berjenis arabika.tepatnya di Kabupaten Bener Meriah.

On this occasion I would like to share my activities and experiences when looking at and assisting the work of the coffee-basket farmer in about a week when I am in the Cold City and in the arabica-type coffee factory area in Bener Meriah County.




Disini saya mendapatkan ilmu dan ide tentang masalah biji kopi setelah melewati masa pengeringan.di pabrik tempat saya berada setiap kopi dijemur dalam kadar air 14.mereka mencek ulang kopi yang telah dijemur dengan alat taster.rata-rata kopi yang kering dalam keadaan air 14 dan dibersihkan kembali memakai alat yang disebut sutton.

Here I get knowledge and idea about the problem of coffee beans after passing the drying period. In the factory where I was every coffee dried in the water content 14.they checked the coffee that has been dried by taster tool.the average dry coffee in water condition 14 and cleaned back using a tool called sutton.




Setelah dibersihkan dengan alat tersebut,kopi dimasukan ke dalam karung yang berisian 100Kg.setelah di masukkan kedalam karung,karung tersebut di jahit dengan rapat agar kopi tersebut di berangin.dan masing-masing kopi disusun dengan rapi untuk di muat ke dalam mobil truck yang bermuatan 25 ton biasanya.dan dibawa ke Pabrik besar yang berada di kota Medan.sesampai disana kopi tersebut di olah kembali untuk di ekspor ke luar negeri.

After cleaning with the tool, the coffee is inserted into a sack that contains 100Kg.after that inserted into the sack, the sack is sewn tightly to the coffee in the wind and each coffee is neatly arranged to fit into a loaded truck car 25 tons usually.and taken to a large factory located in the city of Medan.up to coffee there in the back if for export to abroad.




So much from me, Hope you like

My be useful for all of us


Thanks you

Salam Komunitas Steemit Indonesia


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great post! Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for sharing this. Now I need to go have another coffee :)

very interesting! learning all about how coffee begins and enters the market for exports!

Keep up the good posts


Haha..many thanks brader😁

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