Failure Fails To Make You A failure

in failure •  8 years ago 

Do you think people who fail are good for nothing or have nothing to offer, if that's the way you percieve people who fail then you are WRONG.

Several people have failed in one thing or the other, but most of us do not even know about their failure story.

For every great man, there is a great failure history


Failing is not bad, Failing and taking it as an excuse is worse.

Tell me a great man, and i will tel you one failure story of the person. Do you want to try?

Maybe you start by mentioning your name becase you are one great person.

Let me tell you everyone have failed in one thing or the other but how they go about their failure matters alot

How do you deal with failure?

I am a continous process so i do have several failure stories but i do not let them affect me too much. I always give myself a day to mourn my failure while still looking for solutions, after which i would pounce back at it again and do it bigger and better.

When next you fail in one thing or the other, instead of wasting days,months, and years wallowing in it, you have to gatter momentum and push back full force.

Thanks for reading, I encourage comments and i appreciate complements and criticism. If you feel or know about how i can improve, please share with me on your comment and do not forget "i am a continous project which is always ready for correction"

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A great podcast going into this way of thinking titled "Failure is an Option", I believe this would be a great listen from young to old

Thanks for this. I really enjoyed it

Awesome, so glad you checked it out, I don't even remember when I heard it first but it sunk in enough where I remembered it specifically when I read your post.

thanks for sharing

You deal with failure by trying again.