The scream of death

in fairground •  7 years ago  (edited)


“Thrill of a lifetime,” shouted the fairground attendant. “Five bucks for the ride of your life.”

People were queuing, so I did too, just to have a look, nothing more, but the excitement of the moment swept me in.
And then we were off and everyone was screaming and I was hanging on for dear life. After we got to the top we went down, fast, falling, no way back, all hope left far behind as the ride of death sang along the rails taking us all to our doom.

No cheap tricks here, this was the real thing; heroes all, that got on this ride because I know that too many have died on these things.

How can you ever take a selfie on the scream of death?

And after one sure thing death experience, another one comes along until you hardly dare to open your eyes; and oh look the rails have ended and now we all die, but no, not quite yet, there’s more.

When it was over I staggered out and away, home, but some went back up there on it for another go.

Image from Pixabay

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I couldn't do them when I was younger, most definitely not going to try them now.

I could do them but I'm a bit too old now, I like the quiet life these days

I am not a fan of rides. And I don't understand why people like to scare themselves half to death. But obviously there is a market for these rides because they are building more and more intricate, death defying ones.

I did the fall once, where you just jump straight down a steel cliff of around 40 feet and it was the scariest thing ever; I was hanging on by my fingertips, not wanting to let go; and then my grip went and down I went fast and slid a long way. The kids loved it, but I only did it once...

Brave man. I am scare stiff of heights

I'm not scared of heights, it's the jumping off that gets me