A Lion And A Raccoon...steemCreated with Sketch.

in fairytale •  5 years ago 


...were simultaneously existing in a jungle somewhere on a shared, inhabited, gravity propelled rock amongst a galaxy of rocks inside one, gas fueled, undiscovered and neutrally toxic atmosphere.

“Heck of an intro you got there!” Shouted the lion whose roar echoed across the grassy valley—the raccoon was taken back, she paused momentarily, surprised by the sound of the lion, ‘is he talking to me? No way he’s talking to me’ she thought as she hurried to steer clear from the lions sight. “Look,” said the lion, “I see you over there in the tall grass, I could smell you 10 minutes ago, I’m not hungry, don’t trip! I just wanna talk.” He told her “come here or I’ll come there and, if you make me go over there, I’m going to kill you just to kill you and I won’t even eat you—they will.” He pointed to the flock of squawking vultures circling the sky above. That got her attention! “Really?? Just talk?” She shouted back, “I shouldn’t be running for my life right now?” “Nah, you’re good, c’mere,” waving her over with his paw, “I just like a good #story before my cat nap—where ya headed?”

The raccoon very methodically and lightly eased her way toward the lion, inspecting every blade of grass with her highly sensitive whiskers before finally sitting down next to him in a cold sweat. As she situated herself beside him, she nervously replied “s-s-school. I don’t have a lot of time to talk actually, or I-I’ll be late.” The Lion was surprised by her response, the king of the jungle just got stumped. “I’ve heard of pacts and packs, tribes, herds, colonies, nests, swarms, the flock above us, you name it—I’ve heard it! But never a school—what’s school?” She told him it’s the place they all go to learn. “All?” Adding to his confusion, he asked “why haven’t I heard about this school until now, is there other lions there? Certainly it isn’t safe if you’re amongst lions.”

“No, there isn’t any lions there, school is only for raccoons” and went on to explain how it used to be safe but it’s getting scarier by the day as more and more raccoons have been randomly killing each other. “Every day?” He asked. “This school thing lasts longer than today?” Through her muffled laughter, she explained how it’s a minimum of 12 years followed by continued education at multiple levels and, depending where you want to work, you could spend more than 25 years in school. “Work?! What?” They shared the same blank facial expression confirming their confusion, “you really don’t know, do you?”


”No, I really don’t.”

(Cover image - Pixabay and Pexels)

“Ok, well, I don’t have much time but...” he interrupted her again, “time?” “Yes, time, that’s another one for another day,” she began explaining.



(Thank you for inspiring this one, @puravidaville! ❤️)

It’s a place where only we go, we’re the only specie to attend formal training of its kind—it’s a special training that’s taught across all of the plains and out of the same books. All schools are instructed and graded on the same curriculum—it’s identical. She told him how they start at a real young age, “barely old enough to leave the den.” She told him they all congregate in the same location at the same time, up to six days per week, where they’re all made to wear their fur the same style and length with the same cuts so no two hairs are different. Their tails are never permitted to touch the ground, their claws require the same amount of trimming each morning prior to schooling and they’re all issued the same literature. “We’re all directed to address the instructors by their last name only and we’re only allowed to speak when called on.”

“The raccoons who enforce the rules have beee...” he interrupted her again, “wait a minute!” He started laughing, “raccoons are the ones orchestrating all of this and you freely subject yourself to it?? Nobody has the authority to impose their will on their own kind—it’s unnatural. ‘Kill or be killed, law of the land, do unto others’ but no specie has the authority to govern, especially their own kind, you’re funny!”


It gets worse!

“I wish I was kidding,” she continued telling him about school and how it’s just the beginning and, depending on your academic achievements, you’re placed in another raccoons den under forced labor practices with the sole purpose of trading your physical labor for the fortune of your den owner who, in return, shares a fraction of their fortune with you. “Academic achievements?” “Yes,” she continued, “depending on all of your test scores collectively and your ability or inability to work with others throughout your 12+ years of schooling, you’re placed in dens with less or more physical exertion.” The Lion was fascinated with this concept invented by the raccoons, “how long are you forced to stay with your new den owner?”

“Most likely more than half of your life—about 40 years.” She told him how all of the raccoons have to work until they’re 62 years old, other wise they can’t eat food or even drink water, “every basic essential to live a normal, oxygen breathing life has been monopolized and marketed by the same den of raccoons for multiple generations.” He stopped her again, “why don’t you just slaughter them and leave their carcasses for the buzzards?” She told him they’d be tried and convicted by neighboring raccoons if they talked like that, “just the thought is illegal.” You don’t want to get caught thinking like that—it’s grounds for permanent enslavement inside a forced labor camp where we’re only allowed one hour of sunlight per day for the remainder of our existence.

“Well then,” he asked, “that fraction of pay you spoke of must only be a fraction in comparison to your den owners worth and, by all calculations, you’re actually financially independent, right?”


I wish!

She said in order to receive their fraction, they must first provide a percentage of it to several different entities, raccoons whom they’ve never met and, if they refuse, even their fraction will be taken away from them—they’ll receive nothing for their labor and will starve. Each entity is identified by a unique acronym who “has their claws in our pocket before we can even get our own claws in there.” She said by the time they’re finally paid, in exchange for their labor, “we’re lucky if it’s worth half of our time.” “That doesn’t make sense,” he said, “why would your entire colony agree to these unfair conditions?” She told him its not agreed upon, it’s an appointed rule that nobody questions, they just abide by it and its governing laws. Consequences for disobeying can result in another trial judged by another neighboring pack of raccoons. “That sounds like a sentence to me, raccoon—out here it’s just...”



“No sentence—all I do is live,” he said. “Do you know what I mean by that?” He said he mostly likes to rest during the day. Depending on the weather, he may or may not require shelter but “it’s easy to come by,” he added. “When I get hungry I feed myself—that’s when being the weaker existence has deadly consequences.” He said no one tells him where he can or can’t sleep, where or what he eats, he said he’s never been directed a single day of his #life since leaving the den. “Everyone just lives out here, why would you allow such a small percentage of raccoons to govern you?” “We didn’t,” she said, “they’ve been forcing their will on us since our existence and, over the centuries, by lying and distorting facts to push their ideologies, they’ve developed an immeasurable amount of power that utilizes militaries, rules, enslavement camps for non-rule abiders and, get this, fellow raccoons who enforce their agendas.”

“I knew you wouldn’t understand” he told her, “my toughest decision today was figuring out where I was going to take this nap.” He said if he’d fallen asleep sooner, he wouldn’t be so hungry right now but all of this talk about raccoons ruling over other raccoons worked up an appetite. “Alright, I guess that’s my cue to leave” the raccoon said, “negative,” he told her and grabbed ahold of her with one claw. “Hey!!! I thought you said you wouldn’t kill me?!?” She cried out. “I did! And I wasn’t going to... But now I’m hungry and, I’ll only say this once, any raccoon who’s stupid enough to obey the authority of another raccoon is probably stupid enough to sit next to a lion and believe they’re friends.” She’s noticeably trembling now in her own sweat. “Look, I won’t eat you right now, don’t trip.” He told her “your fascinating tale about a raccoon created facade complete with military personnel, exclusively agreed upon extortion and schooling agendas bought you some time but it doesn’t mean I’m not hungry and it doesn’t change the fact you’re still a raccoon.” He helped her to her feet and told her “you’re a good story teller and, because of that, I’ll give you a three second head start” releasing her from his claw:


Three... Two...



Click here for Monday.

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It is always with much joy and happiness when i meet these kind of reads. Such a lovely write up you have in there. I really love your style of thinking and the very ways you see things around you.

i really enjoyed your fairy tale and i hope to get to the fairy land on of these days so that i can explore through vast number of crazy ideas....lol
It will be real fun for me. Ecah second spent on your blog was worth the read. i had so much fun and keep the sharing spirit up always

Well, check it out, ferrate.. I just woke up and this is one of the first things I read this morning—such a pleasant response to wake up to! Thank you for being so kind.

I had a lot of fun putting this one together and the reaction from the community suggests I’m doing the right thing—I’m so happy with the reaction from this one I’m considering keeping a series going. I’ve even been taking notes about what the lion and raccoon will talk about next. 👍🏿

Thanks for stopping by, @ferrate, I really appreciate your support! Have a great weekend.

Hahaha...... I love to do crazy stuffs in dreams though, so I get your feeling and it's a great thing you did

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm loving this! A fiction story told true.

I very much dislike the fact that we are all brainwashed in thinking that we cannot survive without the higher power. Yet people forget of the power they hold within themselves as they are already doing the work to survive, just doing it for someone else instead...buuuuuuut with the thought that they are working for themselves to be sustainable. I laugh and I cry as with this thought, we can never move forward. Try to talk with others about changing the way things are is almost like talking blasphemy to them. "Oh no, you can't do that, without them, you don't have the protection from the police. Without them, you do not have health care, without them you don't have money, or food, and this and that and that and that and that...."

How funny is it when someone thinks they are so independent while depending on such a governed system. And freedom? Oh yes, we are all free here... So, let's all be mad here in our group of delusional individuals and pretend we are all kings and queens with princes and princesses as we are more poisoned into the system and more detached from the mother soil that feeds us our very existence.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

This is a post worthy response right here, miss Foxy, you know that? I could feel your emotion as I read it, that was awesome! I’m so glad you got to check this one out before I got pushed way to the back, thanks for digging it up. 👍🏿

We’re on the same page, I dig the way we’re all starting to question this horse ish at the same time. How much simpler can I say “they’re human?” How else can I say that? Presidents and judges and diplomats and cartel and.. and.. are humans, they’re all humans. Is there another way it should be said so that people who they’re allowing to direct them can understand? Ain’t #life fascinating?! L. I. F. E, did I spell that right?

Health care is a post itself, really. It’s insane. Here, in Costa Rica, procedures aren’t alarming. Where you’re at and where I’m from though, my goodness! It’s taken me a long time to realize it but those same powers you talked about have monopolized life. <—did I spell it right?

And “insurance,” that’s another one. They’ve completely ruined a good thing we had called a globe.

Thanks for taking the time to unload your feelings about this one, I really appreciate it, @foxyspirit.

I had to read what I wrote. Ya, I can definitely see how my emotions over this got the best of me. :p

I'm happy myself that I did take the time to read it! So glad that you wrote it! We need more like this from you and also from many others!

I think I need to look up human, and life in the OLD dictionary just to see if it' written properly and if you used the words right as well. I should look into monopolize as well. It must be a word long forgotten, why aren't we using it more?

Health care is definitely a post all in itself. And it can be a scary one to cover. I could go on about what is so scary about it but that is also opening a whole other can of worms that does not go with your post. But if you want to write about it, I will gladly comment on it. Perhaps a post size comment.

You are right with insurance. It's smart, and evil!

One thing you didn't mention here is food. How they messed up all our resources, lacked respect and ruin the natural cycle of everything. A whole other post right there too.

I'm happy to comment like that, it shows where we are all at and it might help someone wake up and think differently, or at least question a few things.

I’m going to attempt a random series about the raccoon and lion, I’m glad I didn’t kill off the raccoon immediately. I’ve been taking notes. Feel free to drop me parables whenever you think of them, if I can run with it I will. Like the one about the raccoon who can eat all of the plants in the jungle except one plant that can only be grown privately. Or the one about how she can’t go to the lion because of the invisible line between them.

What do you think? Yay or nay? Do you think the community would be interested to read tales of these two if I put one out like once a month?

Posted using Partiko iOS

hi @dandays
a lovely story, reading those words of the raccoon knowing that we are the same was hard! fortunately we repented and we had the courage to become lions: two years ago we left all our cages and we left to see the world, and nobody tells us where and when to take our naps!
congratulations and thanks for sharing with us

Congratulations, road2horizon! Too many people question your decision like it’s unheard of or impossible—I believe that’s a direct result of manipulation.

But, my wife and I recently caused people to question us the same way—we just left the states in January and are currently in Costa Rica and, you’ll never guess what we’re doing, “living.” I believe ‘plan’ is a funny wOrd so I apologize if this comes across as insane but our plan is 10 countries in 10 years—so far so great!

I’m sofa king happy with the reaction from this article I’m going to consider a series... can you imagine all of the parables I (we) could draw up?

Thanks for stopping by, @road2horizon, I truly appreciate your feedback.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I like 10 countries in 10 years !! I could steal the idea !! Was it difficult to make this decision? You too, like us, are lucky to think of life in the same way, think that tragedy if one of the two did not agree !! How is Costa Rica? I have real problems with the heat: is it so hot?
A hug and buena vida!

Hola, buena vida! The 10 countries thing is a good goal at least, right? Hit 1 or 20 and it’s still all in good intentions.

It’s hot man, the closer you are to the equator, down by Panama, it’s rough. We’re back on the Pacific coast, closer to Nicaragua now, the ‘cooler’ part of the country but it’s hot—I’m not gonna sugar coat it.

As far as making the choice, what I did was, made really good decisions the past 22 years. It was tough to not party all the time with my buddies because I was working but now I look back knowing it was one of the wisest choices I’ve made.

Where are you guys? We’ve been doing some European studying lately, we don’t plan on leaving here until the end of the year’ish, where have you guys been?

Plain and simple, cut and dry, the only wOrd that comes to mind is DOPE.

I may be an old cat, but you and I are from the same species.
I kinda cruize to my own beat...I like some racoon now and then (what lion doesn't), but I've always been a sucker for some tasty kitty.

When it's all said and done maybe I'm just a dawg.

Eh, the coolest retired Wireman ever! I can never get too many vicci visits, thanks for reading this one! Even if I need to point it out to you—my pleasure!

I’m glad you liked this one, thank you. The reaction out of this one has me considering running a series. 🤔

About the kitty, well of course, lion!

Thanks for stopping by El Filio. Tre-Duce. 👍🏿

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Now, Danny Boy...You wouldn't be offering a parable of sorts, regarding our 'Human' incomprehensible, in-sensibilities here...??? Are you?


  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Parable’s a cool wOrd, don’t you think—like Einstein, get it? It’s like parody only truer. Eh, how’s it going angry man? Thanks for reading this one, strikingly similar storyline to the one you wrote right here don’t you think?

Maybe the raccoon needs to tell the lion about how the stars make her crazy so she pops a pill at the same time, goes to sleep, wakes up at the same time, tired... pops another pill—something absurd like that, I know, totally unbelievable. 🤔 Ooh, I know! A parody parable about the invisible line the raccoons favorite tree is on so she can’t go on the tree anymore! Nah... that doesn’t sound believable at all.

Thanks a lot for stopping by, @angryman. Thanks for dropping me a line, sir, I always appreciate your comments. 👍🏿

Well @dandays ... I was glad I checked my FEED when I did and catch your post; it was an interesting one and a 'good' read.

Oddly, soon after reading your piece, I stumbled upon one by @lighteye who had a similar thought in mind (though not exactly) Then I saw some other 'Titles' which seem to indicate even 'more' Steemians had a sort of mysteriously connected invasion of thought.

I didn't read any further though...besides...I was hungry, and had a post in mind to attend to.

strikingly similar storyline to the one you wrote right here don’t you think?

Hmnnnnnn...funny you should say that??? I 'did' kind of find a sense of familiarity with the subject matter. Another Wooo-Woooo moment to give thought to...synchronicity on the Block-Chain???

Hope you and your lovely lady are having a happy day.

Ciao, friend.

Hi dandays,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Long time no see—It’s always a pleasure hearing from you guys, thank you for keeping an eye on me, @curie!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good story, it is hard to believe that the raccoons have put up with this enslavement for so long.
Although this story is so true, what is a guy to do. I guess the old saying holds true, When in Rome do what the Romans do.
There is an alternative for those who dare to take a chance and become adventurous.
But for the masses there doesn't seem to be any other option.
These poor raccoons need to exert their free will and break away from a system that herds the masses and likes nothing better than watching everybody march to the same drummer.

“M/C @thebigsweed in the house!! DJ, drop the beat!”

Although this story is so true, what is a guy to do. I guess the old saying holds true, When in Rome do what the Romans do.

Good morning, Rob. Just like the Old Testament, right? Kinda of like Moses and Jesus being cramped up by authority with secret agendas—it’s just a bigger scale today.

MUCH Bigger!

I’m glad you liked this one, sir, thank you for continuing to read and support what I’m doing around here—it means a lot. I’m not gonna lie, I’m sofa king pleased with the reaction to this article, I think I’ll continue the series—can you imagine all of the parables? Invisible lines the raccoons can’t cross... ooh, I know! Something about how they can’t store food in their dens and it’s all controlled by a centralized authority!! 🤔 Maybe I should write these down??

Thanks for stopping by, @thebigsweed. If I don’t see you today or tomorrow, I’ll catch you at kitchen #fff. 👍🏿

Posted using Partiko iOS

So many possibilities. The lion is spot on as he is the king of the jungle.
The raccoon, a docile, go with the crowd, timid creature, are these the characteristics you were going for when choosing the raccoon @dandays.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Negative, I had no characteristics in mind but the way you describe them is perfect. The animals were such a quick thought, I can’t even remember how they came up but Pura and I were driving somewhere and she said it. She said something “imagine a raccoon trying to say that to a lion” that’s all it was—that’s all she said. I even was “what, what did you say?” She said it again and I asked her if I could run with it. She said please do.

Many times the best ideas happen spontaneously.

Hello dandays, how are you Wow, an interesting story between lions and raccoons. In the real world the school is very important and in the real world I am very afraid of hungry lions. Enjoy your day, sir.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Hola! Hello! How’s it going, elianaelisma? Which world is the real one and how can you be certain?

Just curious. Are you using a translator to communicate with me or are you just really good with English? I think it’s so interesting how many different cultures practice English.

Thanks for stopping by, @elianaelisma!

edit I just realized I didn’t upvote this yesterday, I’m sorry—that was an accident.

Posted using Partiko iOS

What a great story... and it's more than obvious that the raccoons of this story are us, poor enslaved humans. 😕

Will we ever be truly free?

Awesome! I’m glad you got to see this one, trincowski, thank you for telling me what you think!

My wife mentioned something about ‘could you imagine a raccoon trying to tell a lion....’ and that’s all it took—I ran with it. The reaction I got from all of you has me taking notes about their next conversation. 👍🏿

Free? I don’t know man, outside of our minds? I doubt it, not in this lifetime.

Thanks for stopping by, @trincowski!

Nice story @dandays 😉 this is a dangerous bedtime story ... uhmm wait it's 4 am here, time for me to get my breakfast before fasting 😆. What a funny racoon and nice lion .. but also a tragic situation of the world we live.

You know I love it when the sweetest chef stops by, right? Are you always awake at 4am Ms. Trying, is that normal? You just go to sleep early. Is there an occasion for the fast? How long?

I’m thinking about continuing a series from time to time now that I did this one—I had fun with it. The lion and raccoon can be the center of a lot of parables, don’t you think?

Thanks for stopping by, @cicisaja. It’s always a pleasure to hear from you.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well.. I wake up at 3.20 am to prepare the sahoor and then go back to sleep after the dawn pray at 5 am😊. This gonna a routine for a full month during ramadhan and few days after ramadhan in case I need to keep on fasting for next 6-10 days due to some personal reasons.

I think you're good on writing a story like this, yeap both animals coyld resembles anything, remember there's so many issue in this world, political view and ideoligies often use the animal behaviour terms too. Remember "animal farm" by george orwell😉

talking about the lion problem, I feel so scared,

Good evening sir! Thanks a lot for stopping by, @ustazkarim. Thank you for resteeming this one,
I really appreciate that.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Howdy sir dandays! wow this was a fun one! Great parable. Lots of fertile ground if you go in this direction! lol. This should really make some people think..although hopefully most of your audience already knows the layout.
well done sir dandays!

I’m glad you got to see this one, Janton. I know your schedule is busy, I was hoping this one didn’t get passed you. Thank you, sir, I’m glad you liked it!

It’s tough keeping up with the excitement of Hermann, any compliments I receive from the guy writing that story is received well. Thanks for reading this one, Janton! Hopefully it was too difficult to skim.

Thanks for stopping by, @janton.

haha! that takes some real creative writing skills to do any kind of conversation sir dandays, but to do one about a conversation between a lion and a racoon, and have it make sense and where we all can relate it to what's going on
in the world....that takes some special skill!

Most people skim, I know that from the questions and comments I get on mine and from talking to the authors on here but I'm one of the few who don't. If a post is too much for me I just move on without commenting. Is that the way you do it?

Great story. I wish it hadn’t taken me 30 years to realize that humans are the dumbest species on earth. All those wasted years... oh well, here’s to becoming more like a lion every day.

Posted using Partiko iOS

How’s it going Brandt and your one of a kind humor? Nice to see you again, sir. Yeah, you and me both, 30 years! I wonder what we’ll be wishing we would’ve figured out 30 years ago when we’re 60? ....”hmm, seems vehicles never required gasoline in the first place??”

Thanks for stopping by, @brandt.

I doubt I'll make it to 60. But, assuming I somehow make it to 60, I think I'll be wishing it hadn't taken me so long to realize that I probably should have made some sort of long-term plan about the next 30 years.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Don’t do it dude! You gotta listen to this dandays character whom you’ve never met—you’re gonna make it to 60.

Eh, my wife is just now realizing how valuable making decisions is—true story. We were plugging in some numbers just like two nights ago and planning for her future. She said “how is ‘X’ supposed to support me in 20 years?” I said “yeah, just like my buddies who waited until they’re my age to start paying a pension.... you waited a long time, it’s the best you’re going to get at this point.” Two of my buddies literally started paying into their pension the same time I retired.

Happy Friday, Brandt.

Your response is funny enough to tell you I’m doing an edit right here @brandt to save on resource credits since we’re preparing for our financial future in steem!

Thanks for the encouraging words, and happy Friday to you too. Pretty much the only way I'll ever retire is if 1) Steem goes to the moon, or 2) I find Forrest Fenn's treasure. I would say the former is more likely, but that's not going to stop me from trying to make the latter happen. :)

That really was a good story. Honestly, I assume that the Raccoon is talking about a particular type of government which I think only now exist in a particular country somewhere here in Asia. I can't imagine living like that for some obvious reason, being someone who is only acting by the whims of your superiors and be dictated to do the things for the so-called common good of the society. As humans, we are entitled to have free choice, not necessarily overly independent but still with the conformity to laws and regulations. If you ask me, we can be the Lion who is quite dumb-founded to the fact that such systems exist. The Lion have his own authority and he is his own boss.

Unfortunately for the moral lesson of the story, we must not give away our trust immediately especially when knowing that the person whom we know have the tendency to betray us based on his given background. This can also be applied to nations whom throughout the years have considered themselves as superpowers and tends to "eat" other smaller nations by imposing ridiculous regulations in order to satisfy their needs. I understand that the raccoon has acted that way because that is their upbringing and failed to act intelligently on the given situation.

Worth reading and sharing my friend! Cheers!

What a great comment! Man, I’ve only given out about 3 or 4 of these now and it’s been about a month since the last one—know why? Because they’re not all...


Sure, that government was from Asia, “sure.” 😉 Are you in Asia now?

I couldn’t agree with you more about nations who are super powers bleeding out smaller nations with regulations and things like that. It’s hideous. And, absolutely, if you don’t wear a lions shoes, do.not.trust the lion.

Thanks for stopping by, @edencourage.

Yeah. I am from the Philippines. Actually I almost replied that such government is not existent anymore until I realized that there is still one. Anyway, I am more than motivated to give away such comments especially if the content is good, and your write-up by all means is awesome. I hope to read more of your short story to come. Cheers!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank so much for the compliment @dandays

Posted using Partiko Android

Racoons have been killing each other, Ok I am scared :\

Well, that’s what the tv is always telling us at least. 😉

Thanks for stopping by, @vibesforlife.