Feeling under the weather on Preparation day - Join me!

in faith •  6 years ago 

Despite feeling under the weather, I still wanted to get a few things done around our home in preparation for our day of rest.

I'm still learning how to set up my phone to record these videos and how to edit them without spending hours on it. It's not very professional looking but I'm having a lot of fun and learning new skills along the way.

Dtube wouldn't let me upload today, so I opted for youtube. Are you guys who use dtube having a lot of problems as well? Or am I doing something wrong?

I love watching clean with me type videos and while it's not for everyone, I know they are really popular on youtube, so I'm hoping some of you will enjoy it as well.

I wish you a wonderful Sabbath

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Sorry you are not feeling well! Thanks for taking us on the journey of your preparation day! On Sabbath do you have any local fellowship that you go to?

Thank you. I'm feeling much better. A lot of rest and water can cure most ails for me.
No, we don't. God convicts us all in his timing and I'm waiting and praying faithfully.

Well I would encourage you to find some if you can. Leviticus 23:3 says...Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. A holy convocation means a gathering together of believers to worship the All Mighty! Again, I would encourage you to find fellowship where it can be found! Shalom!