Natural Faith

in faith •  8 years ago 

If evolution is true, then religion happened by natural means, right? If everything happens by natural causes, religion is certainly a product of nature. Why would religion be an exception? There shouldn't be any good reason to oppose any natural process in a naturalistic universe. If evolution got us this far, a thinking mind opposed to whatever got us here is opposed to the natural process inherent to evolution. A mind is not required, so what arrogance to oppose the wisdom of nature!

Surely this natural process of religion will benefit all mankind. And if not, if religion instead causes mankind to destroy itself, why oppose this natural outcome? Surely this very article, my dear reader, is a natural result of evolution.

In fact, evolution is so grand that it would blog about itself and get paid to do it!

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Religion exists as a virus, in that it cannot directly be alive.

Instead, it uses a living host as its means of multiplication.
Religion is a virus that rides inside the minds of humans.

Successful viruses of this religious sort must spread easily, and be difficult to remove.

For instance, Christianity is meant to be spread to your children and neighbors, and if you ever consider leaving the religion, the religious feelings in your mind will lash out at you by making you think you'll end up going to hell or something bad.

But a religion where there's no penalty for leaving, and no reason to spread it to your neighbors, such as Norse beliefs, will die out.

Only the most clingy, instinct pleasing, and attractive religions survive.
Religions with heavens, or with nice ideas where you don't have to die are great ways to attract people. Immortality in paradise just for signing up is a good deal, if true.

But just because a religion is popular, or makes sense to you, doesn't mean it's true. People believe a lot of absurd hogwash, so don't go thinking you've found "the one true faith". All it means is that the religion is a powerful virus, one powerful enough to infect you.

wow, this is interesting.

Religion is also used as a powerful wedge to separate people. And we see religious leaders all over the world changing the original intent of their favored religion just to gain power over others and gain money for themselves. This is really what bothers me.

Religion is a process of the brain evolving to a point where it then begins to contemplate how it arrived to that very point.

Interesting point.

Food for thought

Regardless of the religion of each individual, but in which all resemble is very cute faith post

  1. Mankind becoming more knowledgeable and rational is also a "natural" process. Why draw a distinction at this point? It is perfectly natural for a species to reject superstitious and religious ideas as its intelligence develops.

  2. Natural does not mean good. Nature often needs to be defied for our benefit. For example, medicine.

  3. Evolution does not produce a perfect species. Just because something evolved a certain way does not mean it is a good thing. There are many vestigial and maladaptive traits, such as our desire for fatty/sweet/salty foods that served a purpose when food was scarce, but now causes illness.