The perspective, that of a Realist, that is Opposite of that of a Pessimist or Optimist. Both of which are delusional thinking that serves the believer rather than the Truth, the seekers of Truth and the Spirit of it.

in faith •  6 years ago 

Who speaks the Truth, the Christ that says he was sent by the Deity or those that head the Churches and those that blindly believe them and follow Paul while worshiping Jesus as the Deity and denying his God, the Rule of Law, the Commandments refusing the Golden Rule completely.

The Gospel, that says and argues irrefutably against that of Grace Only by Faith only. The Comfort of Lies Liars and Deniers, Teachers of Itching ears, Instead of the Spirit of the Comforter and the Spirit of Truth.

A Religion of worship and praise of Graven Images, of a Dead Deity, is like that of any other Religion of Rome or Pagan Theology, is not the good word or words of the Gospel. it is something new and different, a creation of Rome and her Daughters using their Deities in replacement Theology!

Good or Evil is a Deity or a Father, be it a Parent or a Priest, that teaches the children that Christians are all wolves and they are forgiven and seen as the sheep, no matter what they do to the Sheep. That are all seen as wolves deserving of its Curse and to be treated as if they all deserve to be burned alive and for eternity, the Curse of Anathema.

That was added to the Good words of the Gospel and forever changed Good to evil and evil made Good. And the Messiah that claimed he was sent by the Deity of the Jews/Yews, of the Sheep Both Our Father and his Son the One he Sent are made liars by the self-made Queen of heaven...

The New dispensation also that of Paul and the corrupted letters. The Greatest Conspiracy in the World and that By the Priesthood of Rome that declares they are the Holy Fathers, not the Deity the God of the Jews and Gentiles, of Both the People and the Deity that created them.

Tares warned of by Jesus that was added to the Wheat and still remain.

There is no J or J sound in the Hebrew Language or the Aramaic. Every J, therefore, should be replaced with a Y and every Lord and God added by the English. Should be replaced with the actual Name or ICON of the Deity of the Tribes of Israel.

BTW, how and why are the Tribes of the Americas any different than the Native Tribes of the Jews or Israel?

How is it that the Deity of Creation chose the Jews instead of the Pagan Romans/Gentiles, the Goyam/Good for nothing Garbage, fit for nothing but to be thrown away. For they that love War, not their Neighbors. Constantly seeking whom they may devour.

Like Wolves always searching and seeking the Weaker that they may make War Conquer using Famine and the Death of their Children... the lamb and the sheep or the Deer and their Foals...

Being and having the Spirit and Nature of Divine Peace and Love. Something the Hippies, back in the '60s were heavily criticized, mocked, laughed at and scorned. Marked as Cowards for loving Peace and being Peacemakers and rejecting the Hate Bigotry and Hypocrisy of the Christian Conservative War Mongers. That used Religion and McCarthyism to justify the Crusade led by Billy Grahm against Communism and Communist.

Not only abroad but also domestically against fellow Americans. The same Religion of Christianity that was used to justify everything that White European Christians, both Catholics of the Vatican the Church of Rome and the Protestant Church of England led by the Kings and Queens as the Head. Justified everything they did as the Will of their God, no matter how Evil they judged and labeled the Enemy.

Their crimes, that of Heresy, the Private Interpretation of some scripture. The same that was used to justify torture and Murder of men women and children during the Inquisition, the Witch Trials, and Crusades.

Does it come as a surprise to anyone, how the Bible can be used to Justify any sin, hate and any enemy? Just as the Jews have done from the Beginning? Even against the Messiah just as they did the Prophets.

The Bible says to love your friends and Hate your enemies without mercy! Says it was the will of God to KILL all those that you will and claiming it was God that did the sinning for it was at his will and commands. God told Moses to kill the 3,000 of his own people for worshiping false idols of Graven Images. The wipe out the Cainites and steal everything the had had. Even the making of Slaves. The Bible used to justify the Slave Trade.

Worse yet what the Talmud says is the Will of God. Little difference between it and the Hadith.

But no sin is allowed under the Gospel. Love is the Law, Love is of God, Peace is Of God, just as the good word says that Good and God are of Love and Peace and cannot be divided even they are inseparably linked. Just as a Good Father and his Son when they Love one another, even when called 1. Love that unites them also divides them and defines them as 2 as 1. Just as Husband and Wife or Father and Son or King and Prince, the LORD and my Lord.

Like the word Hell that was used that replaces the Outer Darkness, Hell and the Grave, Hell and Gehenna, Hell and eternal Spiritual separation.

THEY DO NOT LITERALLY BECOME ONE BEING. It is a way of Speaking, Metamorphically. Something the Protestants leaning even more so on ignorance and God being a Mystery. World take every word written in the Bible literally and the Old and New the same Book without division or separate Spirits. As though OLD and NEW, the words mean the same thing.

As if Slave and Free both mean Liberty. We the People suffer from the Lack of Knowledge just as we do from the Overabundance of Ignorance, that both mean the same Thing. As the Cup half empty or half full the quantity remains the same.

The perspective, that of a Realist, that is Opposite of that of a Pessimist or Optimist. Both of which are delusional thinking that serves the believer rather than the Truth, the seekers of Truth and the Spirit of it.

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