
in faith •  7 years ago 

Welcome to the twitter live stream of dunamis hour as we begin to warm up for our 1 year anniversary . To prepare us for our healing and miracles outreaches next weekend. @Olalere_Tosin #clcuyo

We will examine in brief sickness and disease, and our authority over will be a practical session with prayers too.

@owlpoultry #owlpoultry

@Olalere_Tosin #clcuyo John 1:1-3, Word here is Logos in the Greek.Logos has different usages in scriptures but here it means 'the thought' ,the reason behind something that was said.

Hence the thought, idea, was with God, the thought and idea was God. John referred to this intention as a person -God. John 1:1-3
John 1:1-3 Eph 1:10-11,Col 1:15-18 .Here we see a careful God doing things purposely. There was a singular purpose God had -Christ! ,and this Christ was representative of a people! Whatever God did in Christ, he did for a people.

John 1:1-3 Eph 1:10-11,Col 1:15-18 .Here we
see a careful God doing things purposely. There was a singular purpose God had -Christ! ,and this Christ was representative of a people! Whatever God did in Christ, he did for a people.

1cor 15:45 The Life that the second Adam had was not for himself. It was for others! The life that he is not for himself. He came not that he needed life, but that we needed life. He rose as life, to become a life giving spirit for us.

So Whatever God wants to-do would be for man .col 1:17-18In him (Christ) all things makes sense .

Eph 1:16-20 Paul prays for revelation Knowledge into God because God is the worker. Once God's intention ,personality is known .All his works (Christ, the believer) will be very easy to understand.The word of God reveals God.

The knowledge of God comes through the word of God.God is not known in experiences,or symbols. Words are enough. Words are the highest form of revelation.

The height Of God's power is seen in the resurrection of Jesus. The benefit /purpose of putting all things under Christ's feet was for the enthronement of the believer. Eph.1:16-23

Observe the kind of words that was used in Eph1:16-23 exceedingly in the Greek is Huperballo which means to throw over /beyond or to run beyond. To throw beyond target .todo more than it is required To provide more than its required.

Eph1:16-23 Greatness is Megethos in the Greek describing magnitude. It means the power for resurrection is beyond

Eph.1:16-23 Power is Greek dunamis referring to power that is self generated .Working is Energeo in the Greek referring something,effectual,active,working nonstop, Mighty is ischus (Gr.) describing the force of the power

Eph.1:16-23 Power in Vs 19 is kratos(Gr.) refers to the dominion,rule , .All these used to qualify these power is seen in the resurrection of Christ. Christ was not the end product. It was for The church.

When he uses all these adjectives to describe the power in the resurrection of Christ, thesame can be said of the power in the believer. Therefore there is something effective in the believer, something larger than the believer's need

Eph.3:14 -21 The Prayer Paul prayed is answered by the power already in the Believer. God's ability to do anything is in the power that is already in the Believer. God works according to do the measure of the power of in the believer

Eph3:14 -21 Work in Vs 20 is energeo in the Greek. Recall the adjectives used to describe the power at work in the believer. Self generating, effective, of high magnitude ,never failing.

the limit of the working of the power in the believer is according to knowledge. God's ability is limited by the Believer's knowledge . Prayer is good,and we must pray, but we don't pray for power. The power is already in us

The believer by configuration will never have a power problem because there is an exceeding greatness ,effectual working ,and abundance of the power in the Believer.

Say ' the power of God is at work in me Now! '

The believer must be a constant prayer source! He doesn't pray seasonally . You have the power of God working in You always! You are not going to demonstrate power because you prayed ,the prayer is not to service the power, No!

The power is always effective and working in the believer. Irrespective of the mood, the time the believer is in. Whatever power the believer wants to demonstrate ,he must know that the power is working in him always all the time!

if we have a knowledge correction, we can have more miracles .The Power is ever-present, ever alert, irrespective of the state of the mind .You ought to walk everyday with this knowledge that the power is at work in You.

The power at Work in the 'Senior MOG'is thesame that Is at work in the 'least spiritual' .What prayer does is that it puts the entirety of the body in a consciousness of the power at work in us .

Knowledge is very important in effectively demonstrating of the power at work in Us. The moment the believer comes into awareness of this there will be free flow of this power

Mathew 8:1-4 ,5 Notice that the leper and centurion both asked - You can ask for healing. As long as we live in this world, you can be sick.Jms 5:14-15The anointing here reveals to medicinal oil, balmWe can pray to receive healing

You can ask for healing. Mat 17:14-15,.You can ask to be healed. you can direct the power flow as the woman in Mark 5:25-34 did. She decided she wanted to be healed and directed how the healing would occur

The healing power of God is not against medicine,drugs,or science.In Jms 5:14anointing oil was referring to medicinal balms.Healing can occur both supernaturally and naturally.Use drugs if You have to.God's power is at work in you always

In mat8:6-10,Acts 14:5-10,16:16-18 When you're ministering healing ,you're talking to the situation .The power is with you, so You speak to the situation

Thesame power at work in you is thesame power in the working of miracles.We conclude by praying for knowledge .When we know ,we are calmer and more effective. The desire to work miracle is with you. The power isn't felt, it is always effectual#clc

Aido means to know, to come to (link: http://consciousness.You) consciousness.You therefore don't need to know all about the power to use it. You just have to come to a consciousness that the power is at work in you. Just know you have the power!

There is power in You that is ALWAYS working .We have come to the end of today's twitter live stream. Thank You for joining us .Remember that the power is effective, self generating, all purpose, ever present and it is in You.

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