RE: The Love of God Will Transform You Into Complete and Unconditional Love

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The Love of God Will Transform You Into Complete and Unconditional Love

in faith •  8 years ago 

everyone has a religion though, religion is your intrinsic belief system. Athiesm is a religion. I don't understand what you mean by 'without organized religion'

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Religion is not an intrinsic belief system as it's born from a community who indoctrinate and dictate your belief. An intrinsic belief system, by definition, is intrinsic. It doesn't need a figurehead or a revered book to guide you. It's an accumulation of your values based on experience and observation and critical thinking. You can most definitely be compassionate, inquisitive, and spiritual without religion. Philosophy is also a set of beliefs, but it's not religion.

and philosophy is not a religion? you can be philosophical and theological... they absoultley do not eliminate each other

Philosophy is not a religion. However, you can be religious and a philosopher just like you can be a non-religious philosopher as well.

That point I made was in response to your blanket statement "Everyone has religion though." This is completely false. I think you're mixing up your definition of religion and personal values/morals.

i find it funny your trying to argue that your not religous.self-denial is what that it.

I'm not going to bother arguing when your in such emotional denial

You can't argue with me because your logic is broken. That's why you resort to ad-hominem attacks instead of what my argument is about.

people have personal values/morals aswell as thiestic beliefs - why do you think you're so special