Following Jesus: Peace be With You

in faith •  3 years ago  (edited)

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"Get up" is the command I hear the most.
For he does not give me clear direction of what is next.

"Get up" I continue to hear as I would rather relax and stay in bed.
And lastly, I hear "Get up" before I actually Get up.

I have recently committed to following God.
Up until now I realized that although I briefly knew of God, I was doing life with him all wrong. No one is to say that I have it right yet, however, I do my best to follow his direction.

The more I love him and draw nearer to him, the more I understand everywhere I had gone wrong before. Continuously, in the Bible, God tells us "Peace be with you" But how many of us are really at peace? We deal with daily torments, anger, hatred, FEAR, resentment, confusion, laziness, addictions, etc... etc... etc... But are they torments? or are they false gods. No one likes to be in those negative states of energy but by staying in these negative energies I would argue that we are following false gods. Often times we feed these false gods by adding fuel to these energies and giving into them.

We need to start feeding our peace and feeding our bodies the things that give us peace but also taking stock of what is keeping us from peace and removing, altering, or shifting our beliefs and mindsets until we can find peace in our hearts.

This morning, I was commanded to get up. So I got up. Then I was commanded to write. So here I am writing.
Which leads me to believe, that if you are reading this, God is calling you nearer to peace. God is calling you closer to him.

Peace be With You.

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