Why am I upvoting every pizzagate post I see?steemCreated with Sketch.

in fakemainsteamnews •  8 years ago  (edited)

...when I am not even certain that there is pedo organization at the center of the issue?

Because the #fakemainstreamnews declared it to be a conspiracy without addressing any of the related issues.
shut up, stupid peasants, WE'LL tell you what's good for you

Fuck off, self-appointed "elite"...there is a reason your public approval ratings are at 6%.

Image Source: http://teapartyorg.ning.com/forum/topics/understanding-evil-from-globalism-to-pizzagate?commentId=4301673%3AComment%3A4422743

At it's most innocent possibility, Podesta and the people he hang out are creepy fucks that get off on art that involves danger to children, and borderline sexual objectification of children.

At the very least, the Podesta emails expose the corruption of our political system on the Democrat side (THIS is why the cover-up of Pizzagate discussion comes into play).

At the very least, these email involve some coded messages. Whether or not those coded messages involve pedo activities, some of those same codes have been used by pedo rings in the past.

I will throw in an alternate explanation at this point - because Alefantis owns a pizza shop, it was convenient for these leeches and scumbags to use pizza references as a coding system; whether or not they knew that those codes had been used by pedos is a different issue, but looking at their "art", I could see them knowingly getting off on using the code for non-pedo activities

If the press is going to say "no, you can't look at this AT ALL", I am going to support every attempt to discuss EVERY possibility.

So I have no problem playing the same game as what I consider these enemy propagandists do; if they want to distort and hide the truth, I will use truth-judo against them and go full force in the direction they try to take me...but I will land on top of them in the process.

Is this a "dangerous path"? Probably, but I don't give a damn if any of this filth gets lynched. I won't encourage it, but I won't lift a finger to stop it, and while pissing on their graves, I'll ask them if their lies were worth it.

If you told the truth in the first place, shitbirds, it wouldn't be a goddamn issue

Some additional commentary, and not couched in the hostile terms I use in this post :
Who is telling you what - propaganda, conspiracy, and critical thinking
"Fake News" and the Political Class
Pizza Gate, Satanism, and the Holy Grail

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Every time corporate media says don't look, I look....if people don't believe media is there to distract and confuse the public, they need to read this , NDAA legalizes the use of propaganda on the American public http://www.businessinsider.com/ndaa-legalizes-propaganda-2012-5

excellent point about the NDAA

Good post...upvoted!!!

Thanks Rich!

You bet Buddy...thank you!

totally agree!