Obama Gets Frisky?steemCreated with Sketch.

in fakenews •  8 years ago 

Do You Believe Everything You See or Hear on Social Media?

What Really Happened?

Today Photoshop Has Taken the Internet by Storm.

Now you may think that you can tell if something is real or fake but the lines are getting more blurred everyday. Photoshop has been trolling the internet for years but now we have something even more sinister on the horizon. Meet VOCO by Adobe.

This changes the game! Going forward we won't even be able to trust the spoken words we are hearing online. This system can edit and replicate voices. With just a short amount of speech VOCO can compile whatever it wants your voice to say.

Adobe VOCO Project.

I Am Actually a Little Paranoid About This.

What if someone wanted to use this technology against you? They could easily record you speaking and then make you say whatever they want in a file. Then it is your word against your word. Can you imagine the lawsuits?

If we thought fakes news was rampant on the internet today, imagine what we will be dealing with in a few short years!

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Metal Gear Solid has been talking about this ever since it was made. Imagine a supercomputer that manipulates all kinds of media on the fly. This old post of mine shall add to the scariness haha

VOCO is scary, skilled people have had the ability to do this convincingly for a few years already but now anybody with access to some speech training samples can make a convincing fake.

.. And then we have tech like this, for real time face swapping:

Can't believe anything we see or hear on video..
... Or in person either :

But we should totally believe anything the government says, I'm sure they wouldn't dare ever use this tech they've sponsored and developed over decades against us ;)

How could you even think that ;-}

lol, of course they wouldn't do that. Do they have only the best interest for us?

Holy Crap!!

Made this clip a long time ago, I was suspect then.

there is also

This is exactly what is playing out in front of our eyes.

The MSM has been doing this for years. With careful editing, you can make someone say almost anything!

Now a novice like me can do it. Can you imagine the carnage on the horizon?

I often wonder what the Founders of our country, people who believed in individualism and the right to privacy would think of our world now!

They are probably rolling in their graves.

Cool and scary.

nice, I like

That is going too far. Really is there no limit as to what we will create with technology. I really don't support this.

Thanks for the article. A real eye opener as to where we are headed.

Scary Stuff. That picture truly took the social world by a storm, everybody was posting about it "obama a savage" blah blah blah. Fake news is so garbage, but is becoming to future sadly... I hope we can stop it from coming to our platform! :D

I don't think we can stop it but we don't have to upvote it here.

Amen, I totally agree, Its all we can do- For the Steemians by the Steemians!

But how to know what which is what?

We call it "Devil's edit"

I known it was photoshop.

It's just as though we live in a "make believe" world in many ways!

Yes and it will be more and more everyday. Remember the movie, "Surrogates" with Bruce Willis?

Would you care to go into greater detail?

Voco sounds scary! Thanks for the information!

Scary indeed and we currently witness only the infancy of these new technologies. The countermeasure will be unique digital signatures that have to be embedded in every piece of media (image, movie, audio) that can easily be evaluated by every recipient and associated with the initial content provider (e.g a certain media agency). This signature would get destroyed as soon as a single pixel of the medium has been altered. However, we need to be prepared for long transition period until these countermeasures are put in place. Therefore, its so important to sensitize and educate the public about these new technologies. Thanks for bringing this up @hilarski!

Sounds like something perfect for the blockchain!

It does, was thinking in that direction, too!

Very scary, saw this pic just the other day but knew it was false. The tech can definitely be used for disinformation. Really began noticing it about 3 years ago, which was when I began backing off and observing everything closely. Convincing stuff too.

Wow, this is freaky. If this is only just now being released to the public it means that others have been using it for a long time!

YES! This is 2017. Critical thinking need not apply.

I had a friend that worked for a very well-known and respected preacher, editing the recordings of his sermons. Mostly it was deleting and getting the length right for the radio show. But once in a while he'd have to add some sound, maybe a word or two.
He said that sometimes they'd play around with the software and make up all sorts of stuff. Some of what they had the preacher saying would be pretty messy if it ever got out.
Kinda funny, but scary too. That was over 10 years ago.

See, that is exactly what I am worried about. Anyone will be able to do this soon.

The world gets scarier each day!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This is a sicko blog...Obama is the most dignified, respected President the USA has ever had, who did the most for US people and economy and would have done more if the All Republican Senate would have let him...so really I find this offensive. Also photoshop has revolutionized photography and art...evil people will use anything for evil purposes...I love photoshop it is like painting with pixels...the most creative thing to happen to photography...so we have to stop being narrow-minded about new technology...and ban from Steemit? Really?...hahahahah Usually people who are too lazy too learn it have this view..it is not easy to know...@hilarski

Um, I have no idea what you are trying to say. How is this sick? This is education.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

@hilarski Choosing this particular video to make your point from all the millions you could have chosen...

This one was viral and it is current news. I didn't want to use any of the bombings of innocent people in Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Somalia or any other country Obama bombed. That would just be distasteful.

Well said @ hilarski and many thanks for your excellent blog