Next Step Of The 'Fake News' Agenda Is Here... A Word Of Caution To Those In The Alternative Media

in fakenews •  8 years ago  (edited)

With a deadline fast approaching, President Barack Obama signed the latest National Defense Authorization Act to fund the Pentagon in 2017 into law Friday, according to ranking members of the House Armed Services Committee.

I was just trying to finish up a piece I'm working on when I received a notification from RT News.

Without naming the controversial “Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act,” which was introduced by Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) before being placed in the 2017 NDAA, Obama mentioned it in generally favorable terms. Critics point to the law authorizing grants in order to track anti-US propaganda as a form of the US government itself pushing propaganda on its own domestic population, in the guise of highlighting so-called fake news.

I gave this article a quick read and it would appear that the funding will now be made available for the government to officially track those who are producing anti-US propaganda-- or to those of who can read between the lines; pizzagate researchers and other alternative news sources that are publishing content the powers-that-be would like to see censored.

To my knowledge, there has not yet been a law enacted that would allow for those people to be charged with a crime, though we know from history that they are excellent at interpreting centuries-old, vaguely written laws to produce the charges they want.

To those of you that are living in the US and are in the habit of sharing alternative news or exposing controversial truths, I ask that you exercise a little caution, or at least be aware that you could now be being monitored and tracked. Should they begin documenting your activities now, then the data gathered could later be used to prosecute you.

It may be unlikely but, nevertheless, this shows you that they are obviously paving the road towards making prosecutions on 'fake news' providers. A similar piece of legislation dubbed the snoopers charter was enacted not too long ago here in the UK, so one must wonder how long it will be before they present us with the bills that make reporting anti-US or anti-UK propaganda illegal.

Just felt the need to share this as I find it rather important, but please, check out the article for yourself at the source provided.

Have a great night, Steemians-

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Free speech gets squashed more and more.

Hopefully that will draw people into the Steetit platform.

Yes we should make the most of it!

The media and powers-that-be probably already have a team working on this using tax dollars to pay for it. As a community it would only help to be proactive............

Yes. I think we need to keep getting the word out about censorship resistance. Right now the average guy in the street doesn't care but I suspect one day they will realise the importance and if they have already heard of Steemit by then they will know where to go.

We have an ace in our pocket. The blockchain most likely can't be shut down. 3 years ago there was Silk Road and the mount gox debacle. Mainstream media propaganda didn't work then and it likely won't work now. But we need the numbers, the peoples in the streets, and more people to join steemit.........

With that amazing Steemit video that just came out it would seem we have the opportunity to..

I don't think so. I think the Steemit team would appreciate the publicity to be honest. I don't think there is any licensing procedure (at least not yet). I would just do it and make sure you do a post on it. I'm sure you will probably get Dan and Ned's approval.

That's probably a good idea. I can put forth some designs and test the waters, see how the community reacts. If there is a problem with me doing it, then that will give people the opportunity to let me know.

My brother actually has the equipment used to print T-shirts and mugs etc. So I could even provide people with custom shirts that had their usernames on it if that is something people are interested in. Whatever it takes to get as many people wearing them as possible..

Thanks for the advice!

Yes. I'm going to keep putting it on the end of my posts with the message to share and just as importantly like and comment on it on Youtube to help make sure it trends.

That's great thinking.

@thecryptofeind, this is a tad off topic, but as I have you here, and as you are the most knowledgeable person I know in regards to Steemit, I have a question.

I have seen a lot of Steemit T-shirts, which is a great idea. If we can get plenty people wearing these in crowded areas, people will surely want to investigate the site.

I have noticed however, that all of the T-shirts are simple, with just the standard Steemit name and logo. I had the idea to design some T-shirts that would really catch people's attention, and increase not only the amount of people who would take note of the shirt, but also the amount of users willing to buy and wear one.

Do you know if there would be any issues with legality, should I decide to start developing new designs and providing the means for users to purchase them?

I'm not sure if that would be considered copyright infringement or something, even if it is ultimately for the betterment of the platform.

Tell the truth to your last breath.

But if we fear them, they win. If we willingly censor ourselfs, we chose to not even fight. But I do agree that there is no need to fight fire with fire, and we must rise above this. We cannot be in fear tho as we do this. A good way to rise above is to let them make a fool of themselfs like they have been and destroy their own credibility. They are desperate, but we have no need to be, for we are not hiding anything. What we need more than ever is an organization that all of the Alternative media outlets can be a part of. Just like they work together in a pyramid structure, so can we.

I agree with most, but not the last part. It is this sort of centralized power that has led the world to this point. We need to adopt more decentralized systems like bitcoin and Steemit.

You're correct about them ruining their credibility. A recent poll shows that now only 6% of Americans trust the mainstream media. They're done already. This is just them lashing out as they come tumbling down.

Lol at no mention of irony of using RT as a fake news busting source 😂