We are ruled by the 1984 dictates as written by George Orwell. A big constructed Truman Show that robs you of your prized possessions - your time and your freedom. Like leemings, many are still asking how to pay taxes? Did I file my taxes correctly? Wake Up!
Do you realise why you are trying to do your taxes? What is the meaning of tax? What is the significance of doing your taxes?
Would it shock you to know the taxes are to create war? To burn rice field villagers alive using napalm?
Would it shock you the hoax is an infinite loop, a dream within a dream - so worst than could be imagined. You're paying to someone to pretend they are fighting baddies that they themselves organised and clandestinely supply money and more firearms?
It is like a night mare if your mother sends you to school and employs a Bully to steal your lunch and money, so when you come home she can listen to your sob story. That kind of evil diabolical twist. Worst than Old Boy.
How to get out of it? Buy bitcoin. And try to find a way not to contribute your life to these demons. You're not paying taxes. Your feeding demons and evil monsters that even monsters from Greek mythology cannot fathom nor compare.