We all knew that Trump Derangment Syndrom was a thing.

in false •  6 months ago 


The conspiracy theories post assassination attempt were gonna happen, and they were gonna happen quickly. Surely, they already have.

If you're one of those people talking a "false flag" right now, kindly go fuck yourself.

You're not a skeptic. A skeptic follows the evidence wherever it takes him. You have no evidence of any story other than a lone nut getting getting close to killing a presidential candidate due to a breach in security. I don't care how hard it is for you to believe that. Until there's evidence to the contrary, that's what a proper skeptic is going to believe.

Aside from the logistics of staging all of this, just realize how deranged you're proving yourself to be if you're jumping into conspiracy theories. Two people (including the shooter) are dead and more are injured. So, it's not enough for you to think that Trump is bad. You have to believe that he's evil enough to be willing to kill in order to pad the election results in his favor.

Even if you are that deranged, you have to acknowledge that a False Flag would be a dumb idea right now. Yeah, Trump surviving the assassination attempt will help his numbers as much, if not more, than the criminal convictions. But, after the debate, the Biden campaign has been so far back on its heels that the Democrats are openly talking about replacing him. The success of a False Flag operation might give him a bit more certainty; but, that's at the risk of the conspiracy being exposed, which would be just about the only way that Trump could lose this thing at this point. It's the perfect example of a high risk low reward bet. It's like betting your life savings in the hope of winning a pencil topper.

If Trump were to pull this bullshit, it would have made abundantly more sense in 2020, when he was the sitting president, when he was losing the race, and when it would be more believable that he could influence the investigation.

Already, some people have proven to be so deranged to say that they think that a False Flag is more likely than the gunman missing a clean shot.

It's not like the gunman was a Lee Harvey Oswald who had military training. We don't know how much experience this twenty-year-old had. Even if he would make that shot on a target at the range 99 times out of ten, that's different from shooting at a human being.

Of course we've seen the people saying, "Oh...well... if I had just had a bullet pass an inch away from being in my head, I wouldn't be worrying about my shoes."

I don't know how I would react after coming that close to having my brains blown out, and neither do you. When you've got that much adrenaline pumping, you behave differently. If you've ever subjected yourself to videos of shootings, as I have, you've seen plenty of cases of people spouting nonsense.

Bottom line, if you're already in the False Flag mindset, it's not you being skeptical -- you're deranged.

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