Israeli corruption

in falseflag •  7 years ago  (edited)

With the news coming from Porton Down, the UK's nuclear and scientific laboratory that the supposed Salisbury chemical attack on a Russian spy and his daughter was a false flag, and that there is no proof that Russia did it, there are numerous reasons to suspect Israeli involvement: not least because they still produce 'novichok', a military grade nerve agent, and they are pushing for control of the Golan Heights and the construction of a gas pipeline running through Syria which puts them in direct conflict with the Russian's. American's should know how much of their nations money is bled and funnelled to Israel. American military might is used to further Israeli government interests and it's military personnel used as pawns.

The Salisbury chemical attack was convenient for the UK government, working as a giant smokescreen to hide from the British public their treachery over Brexit - the transitional deal that nobody agreed to and the selling out of our country and its fishing industry to the EU mafia.

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@kirbyhopper Let me know what you think about the story in the link please. Thanks.