The media's coverage of the 'sucide' of Jeffrey Epstein

in falseflags •  6 years ago 

A false flag event is not claiming that something did not happen, the term is borroed from navel warfare. Say that I am the captain of a British ship (in this case we are the good guys) and the ship that I am on encounters a piriate ship (in this case they are the bad guys) The pirates know that the British will see the pirate flag and shoot there ship, so to protect thereselves the pirates will change the flag that is over there ship

Suddenly it looks like there are no pirate ships in the area. The term 'false flag' is just a way to say that the situation is some sort of trick.

If a person was droped into the time that we live in and that person looked at the news, that person might think that the media are rock stars because they are quickly uncovering all kinds of information about Mr. Epstein. In fact I guess the last time that the news media worked this 'good' was when they were reporting on them troubled youth that killed people in Ohio and Texas, and before that the media was able to work efficently during the Las Vegas fact the media appears to only be able to cover events that are considered false flag events.

The media is like a magician, its called sleight of hand. It works like this I distract you with my left hand while my right hand 'pulls' a coin from your ear.

When the media is able to uncover the truth in such a timely manner...well 'buyer beware'!

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