One week ago, I made my timetable and I followed it for a week like a elementary school student.
A post titled “How Does She Do It? - Homeschooling 4 Children With 1 On The Way While Keeping Up With My Steemit Blog ~” written by #needleworkmonday's host @crosheille and a TED talk "The Power of Time Off" by Stefan Sagmeister inspired me to do so.
I had a feeling a timetable would help me effectively use my time. I get used to spend my time effectively with my child, for work, household etc but still it could be improved.
In the end I'm happy with the result of my one week experiment and I continue making & following a weekly timetable. Here I share my experience.
About My Family
Both my partner and I work at home. We frequently go out for business trip, family visit etc for few weeks. It is hard to get a spot in a nursery in the city we live in. So our child is staying at home with us since her birth.
We tried several ways to balance child care, work, and household so that all of us can be happy. In the end we split childcare into two parts: from breakfast to nap time (7:00-13:00) and from coffee time to bed time (15:00-20:00). Both of us take turn either the morning one or the second one ... While I was writing this post, we found I should take the morning one as I have less stress to wake up early especially in the summer time. Yes, we have to be flexible ;)
Papa can do everything except for cooking baby food and our daughter is hyper active while she is up but she sleeps 12-13 hours a day (Thanks to them ...)
My Timetable
Based on our family situation, I made my timetable for a week.
I made a rough one week plan and every night before going to bed I reviewed how I used my time in the day and made some minor changes on the plan for the next day. Yellow background cells represent the time I mainly care my daughter, blue for work and green for study.
Especially with a child, many spontaneous changes jump in my schedule. The timetable is quite rough. For example 1 hour of coffee time includes buffer for sudden pampers changing, study time can be from 20:30 as our child doesn't sleep every day on 20:00 like a robot shutting down on the time ... ;)
Good Things
It was good to have a overview of a day and a week what kind of time and how much time I have by visualizing them on a time table. Before the border between work and other activities were more vague and I ended up "I don't have enough time!" feeling. I was watering plants in between work or I started cleaning during my work time but now I just work during the work time. Same for my study.
Another good thing is that I was somehow felt relived that I have much more time for work and study. I just roughly had a feeling that I have maximum two hours of work/study time a day. Actually I have 6 hours+ in total a day. After I got to know this and saw the achievements, now I more focus on babysitting time as it is not checking computer time by time.
Making one's timetable may not work for all but as I like this method I made one for this week. Even it sounds it takes too much effort for you, it's well worth trying out for a week to observe what kind of time you have and how you use it :)
なんで時間割を作ったかというと、 #needleworkmonday のホスト @crosheille さんの “How Does She Do It? - Homeschooling 4 Children With 1 On The Way While Keeping Up With My Steemit Blog ~”(4人のお子さんのお母さんでホームスクールして、Steemitで書くだけでなくて #needleworkmonday もとりまとめて、お店のために編み物をしてNICUの子のために帽子を編むチャリティーもして・・・すごい)にざっくりとした1日のスケジュールが出てきて、その投稿を読んだのと同じくらいのタイミングで聞き直したStefan SagmeisterのTED トーク長期充電休暇のちからにも時間割が出てきたからです。
1週間試してみてとてもよかったので大人の時間割について書くことにしました。それでははじまりはじまり :)
どうしたらみんなが幸せでいられるか試行錯誤して、朝起きてからお昼寝までの午前担当(7:00-13:00)、お昼寝から起きたあと寝るまでの午後担当(15:00-20:00)を毎日交互にという方法で落ち着いています・・・と下書きに書いていたら、午前担当は早起きの私がした方がよさそうだという話になり、変更。柔軟であることはとても大事です ;)
子どもがいると予定変更は日常茶飯事、きちきちに予定を組むとストレスになるので、ある程度余裕をみて時間割を作るとよさそうです。たとえばおやつに1時間とっていますが、実際1時間もおやつ食べていません ;) 赤ちゃんもロボットではないので毎日20:00ぴったりには寝てくれないので、勉強の時間は適当に伸び縮みします。
The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) has upvoted you with divine emanations of G-ds creation itself ex nihilo. We reveal Light by transforming our Desire to Receive for Ourselves to a Desire to Receive for Others. I am part of the Curators Guild (Sephiroth), through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals Itself!
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そう!そうなんです。だらだら過ぎてしまった日の何もしていない感が・・・。昼寝2時間とか w びっちりに見えて結構境は曖昧なので時間に追い立てられている感じはないですよ :)
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I always have the "I don't have enough time!" feeling. Maybe I will give timetable a try. Also, your schedule sounds very relaxing. :)
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Haha it's interesting too see how @eggpon san and you see the same timetable differently. For me it's quite relaxed ... half a day is off (with a baby) :D
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試験おつかれさまでした。見えるようにしてバランスよくして変な恐怖感をなくすって家計簿とも似ていると思います。しげしげ見られるとはずかしいです ;) でも何かのきっかけ、参考になりましたらうれしいです!
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いやいやいやいや、sumi さんがぐうたらだったら誰が・・・!以前多分 sumi さんだったと思うのですが、予定が書かカレンダーが投稿に出ていてさすがと思ったのを覚えています。私も細かいの無理です、子どもが予定を立てたそばからなぎ倒していきそうです ;)
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管理されるのはいやです :D そうそう、多分楽なのです。まさにその通り!
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あたふたしますよね・・・子どもたちということは2人以上ですよね、、、私今ひとりでこんなで。がんばります&ありがとうございます :)
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greenracoon さん、予定表なしでも「まいっか」とかいいながらなんとなく帳尻合わせちゃうタイプだなあと思います。パソコンどこも同じですね。うちものしっと膝に乗ってきます。
うちは3年くらいしたら私のお下がりでもあげようかななんて考えてます ;)
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