Dutch racism?! Your opinion needed!

in family •  7 years ago 

Let me introduce someone to you: Sinterklaas.


Today, 5 december, we're celebrating 'Sinterklaasavond' (The evening of Sinterklaas)
Let me tell you something about the weirdest Dutch tradition...

Who is Sinterklaas?
Sinterklaas is a holy priest who lived in Turkey almost 2000 years ago. He was a good man who gave a lot of presents to poor people and children.

Dutch Tradition
So, in the Netherlands we're celebrating this man's life for many years on the 5th of december.
Halfway november Sinterklaas is already entering our country by boat. Young and old people are all welcoming Sinterklaas by singing songs and giving him drawings.
He's always accompanied by his white horse: americo. He brings a lot of gifts with him.

In the weeks up to the 5th of december the kids can place their shoe nearby the chimney hoping Sinterklaas is coming by that night, filling the shoe with candy and presents.

So on the 5th of december grown up men are dressed up like 'Sinterklaas'. They're wearing a white dress with a red overcoat and a red head. Sinterklaas also has long white hear and a big white beard.
We buy our kids a lot of presents and tell them that Sinterklaas bought it especially for them. (yes, it's really ungrateful as a parent, but it's the only time you can spoil your kid to death without feeling bad about it...)

So far so good

But that's not all..

Sinterklaas is also accompanied by 'Zwarte Pieten'. The Zwarte Pieten are helping Sinterklaas to hand out the presents and the 'pepernoten'. (really small sort of cookies. They also come with chocolat. Love it!)
'Zwarte' means: Black. The pieten are painted black. They're wearing nice coloured outfits and they're wearing golden earrings.


Now, since a couple of years we have a little problem in our little country..

We all just love Sinterklaas. The grown ups have great memories of Sinterklaas from since they were little. The kids love to be spoiled obviously. It's our tradition!
Some people are not so happy with this whole Sinterklaas-thing.. The Zwarte Pieten remind them of slavery, of racism, and that is not something to be proud of..

So now all the Dutch people are arguing: 'It's our tradition!' 'No, stop painting the Pieten black because it's racism!' 'Shut your mouth, it's not racism, we just want our kids to have the same fun as we did in our younger years!' 'Give the Pieten a different colour, then the problem is solved, racists' And so on...

SOS! We really need your help!! What do you think about this whole thing??

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My mother grew up in Utrecht just before the War...
As boy she told me about many wonderful Dutch traditions.. as well as some controversial ones.

Nothing needs to be suppressed nor distorted any longer for the sake of the political manipulation of the masses.

Thus, the Dutch need only to hold firm.. just as a dyke holds against the constant pressure of the great North Sea!

Black Peter is even a famous and beloved Grateful Dead song!

I don't think it's racism, the roots of traditions are many and how they are to be passed shouldn't change much. By that I mean that it should be held in such a way that it doesn't make a city collapse, but clothing, imagery and words, shouldn't change in such a way that it transforms a tradition. It would destroy the heritage and create something different, and not necessarily better. Honestly think this is something were the groups that care for a and including society, should accept and concede, that this is cultural heritage and it should remain as is.

This is a really tough question to answer. This is a question a lot of places are having about a lot of things right now. I see the history and feel the racial aspect that causes controversy. I think each instance is different, but for me I am alright with this tradition. Some of that has to do with the black face representation. I hope people can understand why this is controversial, but I hope they keep it. If they were running around stealing and talking stupid and such I would have a different opinion.

Traditions are rooted in history. You can not rewrite history because it was bad by today's standards. I think traditions should stand as long as we are aware that they are history and do not reflect on who were are today.

We have a similar tradition in Bavaria where I origin from, there Saint Nikolaus, which is essentially Santa is accompanied by a scary Krampus who punishes the bad kids, (not really though) his face is smeared with ash to make him look scarier. So your 'Pietens' might not have been a hint on black people but just a scare thing or it's a combination of the three Kings that followed the star to bring baby jesus the presents. They were black.
So I don't think it's racism, I think it's stupid to try and change all traditions and fairy tales because our warped minds find some suspicious 'ism in it.
I would suggest to let actual coloured people play these parts that could lead to more acceptance, when kids learn that they are the same as white people.

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This is so interesting.. I really thought that people from other countries would think it is kind of a racist thing that's going on in the Netherlands.
I personally think that we should pay attention to people who are feeling affended by our tradition and talk about it so we can find a way to celebrate this thing and make everybody happy.
Finding a way to live happy side by side is more important to me than a tradition..

It's a mad mad world...
I'm from Belgium and we got also here the tradition of Sinterklaas ("Saint Nicolas" in french)... so we got also, since a few years, problems with some small minds people!
They think that Zwarte Piet ("Père Fouettard" in french) is a black man and then therefore it's a kind of racism to let him... to let him what?!?! Punishing the kids who don't listen??? To be the bad guy??? Come on guys!!!
And do you know why Piet is black? Just because, originally, he was delivering charcoal!! It's that simple...