How 14 years completely changed my life

in family •  7 years ago  (edited)

How we met

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Dan and I met back in 2003 while I was technically on a date with my best friend’s brother who happened to be Dan’s best friend..I tried so hard not to be interested in the extremely good looking guy who was not my date sitting across the table from me. Didn’t work so well…we were engaged 12 days later and married just shy of 6 months later. Apparently that is how roll…a little bit crazy (ok maybe a lot crazy), a whole lot of fun, and tons of love!

14 years and 6 kids later


NOW…fast forward almost 14 years! It has been a crazy ride that has been full of ups, downs, tears, laughter, a ton of faith/prayers, and experiences (positive and negative) that have brought us beautifully to this exact moment in life. We now have 6 amazing biological children who are each so wonderful and unique in their own ways. And with hearts so full and excited we’ve recently begun a new chapter in our lives..we are adopting from Haiti and can not wait until they are home and in our arms!

We are a family who loves life, each other, having crazy fun times, and making a difference in a big way! We are fiercely devoted to our children and raising them to be amazing human beings that make a difference in this world. As a family we are on a mission to make a difference by teaching our children the importance of working hard and serving others. First we strengthen ourselves, next our families, then community, and together we can change the world!

Heartstrings in Haiti


Adopting children from Haiti is a painstakingly long, heart wrenching, and amazingly beautiful all at the same time process and to help us get through the next couple of years, we will do the only thing we know what to do in times where our hearts are asked to wait patiently and that is to help lift and ease the burdens of others! We hope to help and inspire others along the way as we continue forward with our adoption process! We will update often as well as invite you to join us on different opportunities to serve in fun and unique ways!

~ Tiffany & Dan

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