One word can change your life

in family •  7 years ago  (edited)


If you could choose one word to represent YOU for one year what would it be?

Every year rather than choosing New years resolutions, we choose ONE word to focus on and BECOME. When you focus on becoming something that is when the real magic happens. It is our duty as parents to teach our children how to become. How to become kind, loving, respectful, patient, responsible, empathetic, compassionate, forgiving, committed, devoted, and humble human beings! We took it a step further this year, rather than just choosing a random word, we studied Christlike attributes that we wish to emulate. I’m trying to help my kids understand that everything has a sequence in life and it starts with our thoughts, which lead to our words, then our actions, which ultimately shape who we become. If we can constantly turn our thoughts to Christ, we will in turn speak more of Christ, then act more Christ like, which then our ultimate goal in life is to BECOME more like Christ. So this is why I chose to focus on Christlike attributes.

My word is “TEACH”

I chose the word “Teach” for 2018. In everything I do I am teaching my children wether it be good or bad. How I choose to react in any given situation will ultimately teach them how they should react in life as well. With 6 kids we have a lot of spilled drinks, toys taken away, someone sat where someone else wanted to sit, someone took the last cookie, mean words spoken, the random hitting or kicking because someone didn’t like what the other person did or how they looked at them or breathed in the their general direction…you know, normal kid stuff. So everyday I’m given MANY opportunities to choose. Do I react with frustration and anger or do I choose to be patient and loving and get down to their level to really understand their feelings? So this year I am going to make a more conscious effort to be continuously teaching my children and those around me a more positive loving approach to life. I hope to help teach my children to look outside themselves for others that may need a friend, a helping hand, a smile, or a kind word. I hope to strengthen relationships within the walls of our home because I want them to know that our home is always a safe place where they can find love and acceptance. I pray I can teach them to love themselves more deeply because the way you love yourself will shape how you see the world around you. As a parent our responsibilities are endless and a bit overwhelming at times. But by focusing each day on becoming a little better than I was yesterday, I hope to shape their little lives for the better and give them a fighting chance at life. But ultimately the light we radiate can bless all those who come in contact with it. I have a big family which gives us a more far reaching opportunity to spread our light and love with many more individuals, but it is up to me to teach my children how to do that.

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