Considering the premise "We communicate not only with words", why we are so scarce when applying other elements. How much does it express a caress, a sensual, intriguing or mischievous look? . What power has a word spoken with tenderness and sincerity? If it is so easy to keep the heart of the loved one captive, giving free rein to the creativity of manifest Love in different ways, why we slow down and give strength to feelings or arguments that separate us. They are vicious circles that are presented in a couple and about which it is worth reflecting.
A relationship nourishes or deteriorates, depending on how it is treated. Who bares the heart and says what he feels promotes an effective dialogue, favoring closer ties and facilitates the establishment of solid agreements with his soul mate. However, the opposite happens with those who want to base their marriage relationship on the lie, because they will see the loss of trust and conjugal stability sooner rather than later.
What is paradoxical is the frequency with which cases of wounded and injured men and women are presented, in the face of the deceit of the one or the one in whom they trusted. We must always be attentive to the elements that we must rescue, avoid at all costs being prey to what can separate us.
For LOVE it is worth fighting.