What My Wife Sees on TV and Facebook Makes Me UneasysteemCreated with Sketch.

in family •  8 years ago 

My beloved spouse of nearly eight years has not "seen the light" yet and joined Steemit.

Like other people I have attempted to recruit to Steemit, she does not see its legitimacy yet, and remains a skeptic. But she frequently browses her Facebook feed, which sometimes causes problems.

There have been many cases of Facebook reconnecting exes, thereby causing temptation and even infidelity. But that is not the case with us. What occasionally causes problems is what other people are posting in their feeds.

My wife, (who may read this in the future, so I must tread cautiously) will often get done reading someone's post about their new house or remodel, or a fun vacation, then compare that to our life. You see, our house is a mess, as I am remodeling every room from top to bottom. We haven't gone on vacation in years. So she often feels like she is missing out on the good things in life, only because someone else she knows is boasting about it online.

My family is right where God wants us at this time. He has better things in store for our future, but for now, this is the life we live, and we should be thankful for how good it is.

I am not a huge fan of television. I lived quite happily without it for four peaceful years before my wife and I lived together. But we have it now, and it is unfortunately a part of our life. I will admit that there are some shows I enjoy.

We have been watching the series called This Is Us. It is a touching story about a husband and wife raising triplets. The husband, played by Milo Ventimiglia , is way too perfect to be a real person. Everything he does is selfless, thoughtful, and perfect. And it makes me squirm because I know I am far from a perfect husband and father. My wife sees his endless kind acts and infinite patience, and says things to me like Why don't you do that for me?

I am really bothered by this because I am being compared to a fictional character. He is an actor with a script to follow. He does incredibly well, but he also makes me seem like an awful husband.

I know I have a lot of room for improvement, and God wants me to be the best I can be in every aspect of my life. But I also wish our home, lifestyle, spending habits, and marriage wasn't being compared to what is seen on Facebook feeds and fictional television.

Can any of you, my loyal readers, relate to this? I am not requesting rants against your spouses, as I do not want to rant against my wife. But I am sure there are other people who have experienced this unfair pressure from sources outside of the marital household.


Image of "Jack" from This Is Us. Source: www.indiewire.com

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Come on, it's not FB nor TV that is "causing temptation and even infidelity"
Also, do not blame your God for your current status.
Please check your "Believer Manual", there should be some details about feature called: Free Will.
I hope that your version of God included that.
If not, upgrade is recommended.
Then, instead of writing excuses such as:
"My family is right where God wants us at this time"
just use your Free Will.

Be aware:
Free Will feature might not work well with Apple.

I wondered how long it would be before I received some criticism. Thank you!

Not really criticism, just friendly advice :-)


Hahaha totally second you! It's not her, it's not him it's life and marrige!

My wife doesn't want to know when it comes to Crypto, but she will when I sell some of my BTC in a couple of years from now. ^_^

Even though i'm not married, I can completely relate with this because it cuts across board.
Super models on magazine covers show us how a beautiful woman should look and that anything other than that is trash. Even the movies and tv shows emphasize this. There's always a guy that looks some type of way and must be bullied.
Not many people can continue to remind themselves that all they see is just "make believe".
It's a popular joke that "even the super model on the magazine cover doesn't look that way outside the magazine cover.
Gone are the days whenever parents were role models to their kids. These days, kids want to be Superman. They see Brangelina and shout "goals" (I wonder what ha she happened to their "goals" now).
It's difficult to not get caught in this web but it's doable.

Thanks for your response. It is extremely difficult not to compare ourselves to others. Doing so is harmful to ourselves and our relationships.

I hope more people recognize this.
This also affects some superstars as they try to live up to their own hype. Then they get into drugs and all sort. Trying to remain "Mr Superman" or "Mr always active".

wow thanks

Yes...sometimes they (the social network and the Internet) are of no benefit, but on the contrary do a disservice. Some people try to present or pretend to be not such what they really are...because, it does not check or verify,but not at once. A lot of families split up due to the fact that one starts to get too carried away and have more trust in the Internet or the character, but not his second half....This is a very serious problem and this subject is very extensive.Here is something to think about and something to talk about...Thank you for having raised this question.

I appreciate your reply. I have heard of too many relationships damaged by one or both partners coming into contact with exes on social media. I am happy to say that I do trust my wife in that manner. And myself.

Is amazing... when first tempted all one needs do is repeat out loud 'he / she is an exe' ... and there is / was a reason for them becoming 'exes'

True. Thanks for the response.

Yeah I completely know what you mean. Our media has created alternate realities just as is, look at the Victoria secret commercials (and my mind)!

This just seems like the male version of that type of distortion!

Yes indeed. My wife sees Victoria's Secret commercials and says "I used to have a body like that." I don't like hearing her say that because she is judging her appearance against a very tiny segment of the population who does not accurately portray how a female should look.

Yep, that how it goes. All in the names of profit. More than just that, that tiny segment is creating that illusion through advertisement in the masses to make it seem like more people feel that way. The it become a self fulfilling idea from peoples seeing those advertisement.

Even I, with the awareness that I have, am affected by those advertisements and the digital media I see of how women are made to look.