What’s Your Door Policy?

in family •  6 years ago 



I remember growing up seeing how exhausted my dad was when getting home from work. There were three main things he wanted to do and that was shower, eat dinner and spend time with us before going to bed. He did not like to be bothered by visitors while eating dinner. When someone showed up unannounced it was not a pleasant reaction.

If the doorbell rang during dinner my brother, sister and I would look at each other with our ”uh oh” faces and hope it was none of our friends. If you didn’t call first or somehow announce you were stopping by he considered it rude, disrespectful to just come over at your own leisure. You never know what’s going on or what a family could be busy with. He taught us to always check to make sure our presence was welcome and we never showed up at anyone’s house without asking first.

The little time he had to relax in the evenings before going to bed was valuable to him and he wanted to enjoy those times with his family uninterrupted. We had a closed door policy. Eventually people start getting the hint and the spontaneous visits became less and less.




I used to try to reason with my dad and convince him that having guests anytime was a good thing. I told him he should want to have company and learn how to appreciate it more.

There were times when the guests actually made it into our house (definitely depending on who it was) and he did enjoy their company. He lightened up and forgot all about the spontaneous door knock. Although, after awhile you could see the frustration of the guests still being there show through his face and body language. He would start throwing hints of “your welcome has worn out, it’s time for you to leave now.” It’s like the longer they stayed the less welcome they were. Time was moving and time was something my dad did not have a lot of in the evenings. He was an electrician in the Union and had to start incredibly early in the mornings. He always made sure to get decent amounts of sleep to be able to handle the heavy work load everyday.

Seeing how my home was ran I decided I didn’t want mine to be that way. I wanted to have an open door policy where anyone could stop by, anounced or unannounced, spend time with my family and not be uncomfortable. I wanted everyone to feel loved and welcomed when they walked through my family’s door. I remember telling myself

whoever I marry has to feel the same way or it won’t work out between us.

I couldn’t wait to grow up, move out and experience having lots of company in my home. Yay for visitors!




I got what I asked for. My husband came from a totally different type of household. Their doors were always open. I thought it was so cool how they had an open door policy.

Years later...

I can recall this like it just happened yesterday. We were in our home playing a new game with our kids (enjoying our uninterrupted time together) when the doorbell rang, it was my mother-in-law. You would think I would say

How nice of her to stop by, she can play some games with us.

Well that was not the case. The next thing that came out of my mouth was a shocker. I knew in this moment my daddy’s ways had stayed within me and were living in my veins. I asked

Did she call?

My husband looked at me in this strange way and said

she doesn’t have to.

Oh goodness, I couldn’t believe I was turning into my dad. In the earlier years of our marriage I didn’t have a problem with people coming over and stopping by on a whim. It seems when we started having children and got more established as a family, my nerves would rise at unannounced visitors.

I began to understand why my dad was the way he was. When you only have so many hours in a day to spend with your family or plan some quality time, you really don’t want that time altered. Especially when you’re in the middle of having a good time. The spontaneous visits started happening more and more with his family and I became more and more unhappy with it.

I prayed about it and asked for help because I knew it would become a conflict within our marriage and I didn’t want it to go there. My husband and I had a long talk about it and I explained what I was feeling and went over how I was raised. I told him I didn’t want to be totally extreme about it but there needed to be some kind of compromise on how much his family comes by without calling.


I see why this saying is so popular ‘opposites attract’. My husband and I came from different door policies and each one was very extreme. My home was way too closed and his home was way too open. Their home was so open that the neighborhood kids started stealing from them and took advantage of their kindness. We decided together we would meet in the middle and help each other not be too extreme either way.

He helped me to be more relaxed (as I wanted to be from the beginning) about non-callers and I helped him to speak up more and put in his families mind that they need to be more considerate and call sometimes before just popping up. It ended up becoming a good balance in the end. Till this day his family calls more and I enjoy the pop ups more because they don’t happen as often. My family always texts or calls before they come over because that’s what we’re used to doing. My husband also helped me to be okay with making spontaneous visits to others. Oh boy that was so hard for me. I would always think

they’re gonna be so mad we didn’t call, they will tell us to leave, I can’t do this.

Majority of the time we were welcomed with open arms and people were quite happy that we surprised them.

It’s funny how we say we will be one way or do certain things and then the opposite happens. I never would have thought I would get irritated by having an open door. Having balance in a family is so important and it helps keep the home running more smoothly. I love my private quiet time but I also love when company comes over too :)

So what’s your door policy?🚪


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Open door policy here!
However, it seems that I have less visitors dropping by than you do.
I always call other people before I come over though.

I remember with my first husband, who was from El Salvador, it took some getting used to that I was ALSO expected to always have food ready for whoever dropped by unannounced. So I had to learn to have extra food prepared, or at least ready to be quickly warmed up, for the times that we suddenly had extra people arriving at lunch or dinner.

I tend to call others first too. It just doesn’t feel right to me not to do so.

Wow that sounds like a lot of pressure to have to always have extra food “just in case”...and a lot of work too. I have felt put on the spot many of times because I feel bad not offering food to our guests. Sometimes we could share and sometimes we just didn’t have enough. I’ve grown a lot since then and now I am quick to say

if we would have known you all were coming I could of prepared more.

This lets them know that sorry, there’s just not enough to go around.

Thanks for commenting and sharing :)

I enjoyed reading your post. A good subject btw.
I enjoy the company too but it is nice if they let you know they are stopping by. A phone call is great!

Thank you @rebeccabe! I was pondering on this last week and thought I would share. I wanted to know what others thought about it and how they ran their households.

I agree! A phone call is great! Thanks for chiming in ;)

It's interesting that I have thought about this several times recently -- and how standards and practices have changed over the years.

When I was young -- back in The Stone Age -- growing up in Texas (before the days of television) ... when "company would come over" it was considered an honor!! You kept the house clean in anticipation of visitors, and it was a compliment to have someone drop by unannounced to spend the evening together.

But -- as I said, times change. People don't sit out on their front porches in the evenings any longer either. They're all buried behind closed doors and drawn drapes glued to their computers or entertainment devices. And we don't honestly care as much about each other as people IMO as we once did. I think this all ties together somehow.

I wouldn't dream of just "dropping in on someone." My phones are always turned off. I don't answer the door if somebody knocks. "Visiting someone" doesn't seem to be a common practice any more. We may go out to dinner or to a show together -- but we don't just sit together and talk ... about anything. (I guess that's what "social media" is for!!)

I think society has lost something over the years. And yet ... ironically, I'm not inclined to change how things are in my life. My one remaining family member even remotely in my circle of friends is my younger brother. We live in the same general town -- although it's about a 40 minute drive between us. We email each other birthday greetings on appropriate days. But we haven't actually physically seen one another in nearly 20 years. He has grandchildren I've never met -- and I don't envision that changing any time soon.

Interesting. I understand the pros and cons of both sides. And clearly, I've settled on one that suits me -- for a number of reasons.

Wow this was such a nice response. You brought up some very valid points that I hadn’t thought of.

Before the age of television and cell phones company was the “entertainment “. I agree with your statement about not caring as much about each other as people. It makes sense why we don’t visit or physically go and see each other as much...because using social media is easier and more convenient with our busy life schedules.

One time my mom tried to reach my cousin on her cell phone and she didn’t answer the first time. She finally picked up and said,

you know auntie, people do text nowadays.

I thought that was so cold of her to say. People don’t like to actually talk to anyone anymore...it’s sad how things have changed with the rise and advancement of technology.

That’s good that you and your brother still keep in touch although you haven’t seen each other. I hope you do get to meet your great nieces and nephews one day in the future :)

There are surely pros and cons to both sides. Thank you so much for your contribution to this conversation! I enjoyed reading your response!

As I sit here thinking, I wonder how much the rise of incessant advertising has caused us as individuals to try to pull back into ourselves to find a little island of peace and quiet somewhere.

On the internet, on the television (even in the middle of shows we now get "product placement" shots), on the radio, through countless billboards and other vehicles (even on the sides of vehicles themselves) we are constantly assaulted, pushed, hectored, cajoled, guilted and hammered at by some stranger wanting our attention -- and willing to be intrusive and obnoxious to get it.

Maybe one more assault on our serenity when we finally get some space to do what we want is just more than we're willing to tolerate -- even if it's someone we know and love. Making space in a too-crowded life ... and having the time to hear our own thoughts ... has become such a luxury.

Technology is terrific. I don't want to give it up ever! But along with making our lives more interesting ... and often easier, too, it sure has found ways to make them more chaotic.

I agree with everything you just said! It is nice to have our place of peace and serenity away from all the noise. I love technology too but I see it as a blessing and a curse. I say that because the more advanced technology gets and the more social plattforms that arise, the more time we are away from our families and loved ones. Technology has us all locked in into our devices that by the time we look up the day is gone. I’ve been really focusing on spending more time with my family away from my devices.

I think all of us need one quite place for ourselves when we need a break from everything and everybody. It is normal wanting some peace sometimes with interruptions.

Having said that, I am all about having friends come over when they want. They do not need to call, or anything like that. I believe true friends will know not to abuse the open door policy. My family has been like this all their life. Sharing their home, food, and hospitality.

But, this stands for my TRUE friends and not for all. For the rest, I prefer they send me a message.

It seems like your husband and you have found a golden middle and that is awesome. It is all about communication and finding that middle ground.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Have an amazing day. :)

I can definitely understand what you mean by true friends because they won’t abuse it.

Yes communication is key!

Thank you so much for your input :)

I'm with you, there totally has to be a balance. Though I'd describe myself as someone who's more like your husband, where my door is always open, I myself always call ahead and never simply drop in on anyone!

I've always lived in big cities so it's never been a thing really where people just show up at my door (well, that's not completely true... when I was in university I lived on the main floor on campus and friends would bang on my window all. the. time. lol!), but I was raised to call ahead as a matter of politeness.

My office for example... I literally leave the door open unless I'm in a meeting or in a situation in which I actually need privacy (like a phone call, etc), and in those cases I expect people to knock. Though there are the occasional people that don't (ahem... this one executive at the company... ahem), most people know that a closed door means knock first! :P

Yes balance is a must! I definitely think it’s polite to call first. Lol I guess you always have that one that does the opposite :D

Thanks so much for sharing your policy!

Funny how your upbringing even if you dont always agree with it can come out in us when we least expect it, but its great you and your husband have such a relationship you can talk about things like this and that makes for a strong relationship.

As for our door policy I grew up with an open door policy both figuratively, the front door was only closed on cold days or at the end of the day when we went to bed the rest of the day it was actually left open.

Times for that have changed of course, and with my wifes help we kind of dread visitors these days unless they are planned or family

Yes it is really funny how that happens. I’m glad we were able to talk about it too.

Oh wow that’s interesting. That sounds so inviting to always have it physically open.

Yes times sure have changed. I hardly ever see doors wide open. I definitely understand about the planned thing. Our household is always so busy so planned visits work best for us too.

Thanks so much for your input on this :)

I seldom ever see a door left open these days, but there are two houses in our condo complex ( all individual properties,) that leave there front door open all the time, during the day its a fairly safe community but isnt gated so I am not sure I would feel comfortable doing that myself lOL

Yes gated or not I don’t think we’d ever leave our doors wide open. Outside people could still find their way through that gate if they wanted to. 😬

Exactly, it was good back in the day in our little quiet street but these days no thank you LOL

Lol! For sure!

Times have changed and not always for the better


Love this post @crosheille. Having an open door policy is hard, I mean it sounds great but I always worry about not being "prepared" if someone stops by. I would never ignore the door but it would be stressful. I'm glad you and your husband talked and prayed about it. At least he understands where you are coming from and can help you relax about it. I'm always amazed when some of the parental behaviors surface...not always ones we want right? :) So glad you shared this.

Thank you @birdsinparadise! I really appreciate you chiming in! Oh yes I definitely resonate with the feeling of not being prepared. Especially me being a stay at home mom. I may not be appropriately presentable for outside guest and if they just show up it’s like 😬 lol!

Right! Some of the parental behaviors that surface are ones we never thought would. Thanks again for your feedback!

I used to have an open door policy for everyone. Now I am more selective. I learnt to treasure more the time I have with my close ones and prioritize things. Later on when I discovered my next door neighbours were extremely intrusive and annoying I went to a closed door policy. ;0)))

I agree about being selective...especially these days. Lol oh wow that stinks when your neighbors are that way . I get it though, you have to do what you have to do to have peace ;)

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Call first, whatsapp first, just let us know - because we're a group of ladies staying in one house (I don't wear pants sometimes, panties and long shirt...) But if they come unannounced, they just have to wait out there a little longer.

I run into that too where they have to wait outside longer in order for me to appropriately prepare myself.

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Ooooo this is an interesting one.
I am quite introverted by nature, so when people show up unannounced, it gives me anxiety. SO I can resonate with your dad quite a bit there.
However, I think an open door policy is GREAT if you can manage it, and I bet you enjoy the company and friends that pop by!

Good point about “if you can manage it”. I think that’s what it boils down to is how much you can handle or are willing to handle. Thanks so much for chiming in!