The Joy Of A Simple Life - Enjoy with Troy!steemCreated with Sketch.

in family •  2 years ago 



Tis A Gift

The words from the old Shaker song ring true today. Those who find the simple life are indeed the most content. It is in the absence of stuff that we find true freedom, and in ignorance we find some form of bliss. Though I encourage education, I believe that those less schooled are perhaps happier. They are not troubled by understanding the hoops and evils of this world. I recall my grandmother expressing how less is more. And then there's that old Bobby McGee song.

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose. - Janis Joplin

That Needs Shaken from the Clutter

Indeed things and regulations clutter this world. They deprive us of reaching our true potential as we are ensnared in the bondage of their baggage.

We have complicated religion by offering many flavors of spiritual denominations and interpretations. Yet, we have one creator.

We have complicated the family by modifying roles, accepting divorce as an easy out, and choosing to not protect innocence. Children are trafficked and murdered, yet, in apathy, we look the other way.

We have allowed ourselves to be enslaved to debt and financial ruin. By living beyond our means, we are addicted to things and a lifestyle beyond our reach.

It was once believed that, if you cannot pay for it in full, you cannot afford it and you don't need it.

We have allowed government and all of its business partners to run our lives and ruin them. Corrupt politicians have replaced true statesmen and taxation thrives without real representation. James Otis is probably rolling over in his grave.



It's Value Transcends That Of The World

Yet, I think of the Amish and the Mennonites. We don't see the clutter of stuff in their world. They don't live beyond their means. The government somehow leaves them along, and they certainly don't have the CPS breathing down their throat, trying to steal and sell their young. And they come together to support each other. They find contentment in the simple ways of life.

Perhaps it's time we do some decluttering of our lives. I am not suggesting we all go out and become Mennonites. That lifestyle is not for everyone and far from the Weird Al Yankovic Amish Paradise parody. But we can certainly learn from them. We can rely less on big brother government and be more self-sufficient. We could reconnect with our creator and each other. But how?

The humble, more simple life, reduces the need for stress and all of its friends.

When We Deprogram

Homeschool our children instead of allowing them to be brainwashed by the government.
Rely less on restaurants and supermarkets and decide to have that garden or hobby farm
Distinguishing between a want and a true need
Don't be distracted or sidetracked by the outside world.
Coming together in support through non-compliance against the tyrannies of this world, whether that be financial, legal or the corrupt propaganda.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. - Romans 12:2 KJV

We Find The Happiness of Real Freedom

We do not need to live in the chains of debt slavery. Our children can be free from being stolen or trafficked by the filthy money hungry CPS or any other entity. We can find joy in the simple ways that nature and our creator designed for us. We can be free!

When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend, we will not be ashamed,
To turn, turn, will be our delight,
Till by turning, turning we come round right - Simple Gifts

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