Another Big Ol' Texas Commie Welfare Lovin' Treachery story

in family •  7 years ago

Setting aside the fact that this arbitrarily state-victimized man is not even the father of the girl in question, what's truly sick about this story is how they deliberately fail to mention the UNDERLYING MOTIVE for attempting to extort $65,000 from him! The true motive (other than that of enriching scum attorneys, of course) is the parasitic communist Texas bureaucrats' lust for federal matching welfare dollars via Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, which REWARDS states with federal welfare funds for the disgraceful and criminal acts of destroying children and their so-called "non-custodial parents" (or in this case extorting and destroying any arbitrary person!) through seizures of retirement accounts and paychecks via mafia style intimidation of employers, thus making it impossible for the "non-custodial parent" to survive or save anything whatsoever for his/her offspring and their futures! ...aka "killing the goose which lays the golden eggs".

Yes, it appears that so-called "big ol' conservative allegedly family values lovin' Texans" need to wake up real quick-like to see what the Hell is really goin' on in their state and nationwide!

What is desperately needed in the USA is a paradigm shift, a MASSIVE increase in honoring the value of fathers (actually BOTH parents) to their children. The woman attempting to extort this man needs to be arrested and JAILED for her false accusations. Despite popular belief and endless propaganda, she is NOT a "poor victim" simply because she's female. The attorneys involved in this crime need to be disbarred, arrested, and jailed. Furthermore, if the child were actually Mr. Cornejo's, he should be granted immediate custody and the mother arrested, jailed, and fined at least $65,000 in reparations and penalties for concealing a man's child from him for 16 years, permanently denying him the ability to know and bond with his own offspring in it's formative years of life, thus willfully subjecting a child (statistically) to a life of Hell, chaos, delinquency, drug abuse, molestation, rape, teen pregnancy, alcoholism, and poverty.

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