Finding Family

in family •  7 years ago 

Today i wanted to blog about something that i've been going through for the last few years.
In 2013 i was told who my real father is. This wouldnt be a huge deal except for all of my early life the man i called "dad" told me i was a bastered. I never knew why and until my mother remarried and i called my stepdad my father, i couldnt wrap my head around why my bio dad would say im a bastered, would treat me like a step child. Now i know, he isnt my bio dad. I couldnt be happier to not share dna with this bully who had made my young mind so broken.
Once i started looking in on who im related to, i found i had 3 sisters and one of them is onlt 4 months older than i am. I started finding answers on my families past and it shed light on so many things i had no answers for. But that is for another time..
Now that i have found my other family im learning about its interesting to see how traits are passed down. For example i have found out ny fear of water comes from my dads side or that the fear of loose hair also comes from his side. Its important to learn these things to help me know who i am.

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